Saturday 1 March 2014


I am not having a good couple of days with Vodafone!

First off the website refuses to register me and keeps telling me three is a problem but did not day what it is!
Thus is not down to coverage and instead siren to Vodafone and I could not buy extras!!

Of course you have to buy credit when you by the phones and that was £10 and neither of the two apps allowed me to buy credit because it sent me to the webpage where I do not have an account because it refuses to register me one!!

It gets better still as I just got to my friends store only to be told that more money has been taken off my £10 credit and when I checked the balance it was gone?! This was despite Google's Android downloading several of my frequently use apps and still have £6.00 I was already annoyed with?! Well to be exact there was £0.97 left.

I then tried to contact them via email but nothing on their site!

I then decided to press the button that says speak to someone direct only to be told that no one is available?!


It then said I could contact via Twitter, except you cannot Direct Message them!!

I then thought I would try with Facebook and then got told I had no Internet  Connection desire just having a text message to say they have added another nearly 25MB?!

My God, my other broken phone was on Three and I paid £15 a month for the Anytime 15, I think it was called, and not had a problem in years!!

Of I still to have this sorted out I will have no choice than to abandon plans to use the other phone as purely a WiFi router at home and have this phone unlocked?!

So if you have not realise it when I am at home this phone had used the other for a data connection?!
I knew there was a rip off on pay as you go data and had the save thing with Three once a couple of years back but this is ridiculous!

I mean to have £10 disappear in just one 48 hours without actually doing anything?! And using another connection when at home?!

Madness, Vodafone simply madness. No wonder you are having difficulties. You should all look at Three.
This is what I get for deciding to give the mobile phone telecoms companies another go?! This is working out more expensive than EE's 4G tariffs!

Hmm I wonder if the rate is set to make you go over?! Well sorry Vodafone but the phone you sold me is not 4G!! Lol!

I should have gone for the hard-line connection at home. I have even talked about that on here a couple of times.

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