Saturday 1 March 2014


Well I am now just going to talk, or type to be exact, a little bit about a news report I heard about a couple of nights ago which did not make sense.

I shall explain...

There was a new report about Doctors in China being attacked very, very regularly! Now here is the confusing part for those of you that do not know how they work in China. The attacks are over lack of treatment and drugs for illnesses?! What is confusing is that they are complaining they are too expensive but China is a communist country?!

Altogether now saaaaayyyyy whaaaaaatttt?! Lol!

The story hit the news because one Doctor had been stabbed as killed over this and the man responsible sentenced to death!

Now have I or have I not been stating that this will soon happen right here in the UK?

Depending on the condition it is likely impossible that a death sentence likely looks more appealing that living with any particular condition?! Ergo a recipe for disaster and their into the mix something of a cold fish of a Doctor, native, inexperienced or just plain amoral and your heading for a whole series of tragedies.

Note think about the UK and how many things have been coming to light in recent times?! Think about what I have divulged in this blog no matter how personal it may be?!

A Powder Keg?!

Keeping quiet about my personal life dies not benefit anyone and will not benefit my daughter or grandchildren. Due to circumstance gone before along with those unseen and yet to come this blog may well be the only way I can tell my story to teach my own family I never see?!

At the same time I could benefit others too, well those that deserve it that is, I am not like Doctors in this respect as there is no mercy for killers in my book. Quite the opposite in fact!

Oddly the blogs also satiate one other condition for Fibromyalgia sufferers which is most certainly the case in my instance. Being bored!!

I have starred this over and over and now I discover that Fibromyalgia sufferers can have a problem with boredom and bed to be entertained. I should have mention it recently as it was in that Fibromyalgia Booklet I published sections of.

So there in China in a communist country and quite bizarrely prescription drugs are expensive and despite a death penalty as a deterrent many, many Doctors and nurses have been attacked and at least one now killed!
So now think I have been trying to explain that this sort of thing is heading our way but I get rolled eyes or people in complaints derisiveness that do not care because they cannot be immediately affected?!
In fact when I starred that I wanted to break a jaw due to the utter arrogance and over confidence of my last GP who was merely an idiot without a proper understanding of families of medicine at all they merely kicked me of the register! I mean do not get me wrong I was glad, relieved even as it forced me to do what I had wanted to for a couple of months, ever since being told I was mental when I starred I recorded a Doctor at Chase Farm Hospital admitting he had falsified an ultrasound test result!

Now you would think that my article on the evidence that suggested I was being lied to before hand and fobbed off would make it in the news?

Now you would certainly think that the fact that I caught them doing exactly this, recorded them doing exactly this and that this could easily be provided by a private funded ultrasound would make it into the headlines?!

Maybe a magazine?

A local newspaper?!


A napkin at a get together?! Lol!

This country has a terrible attitude that has completely and entirely reversed an old adage that is completely relevant in this particular instance...

Cure is better than prevention and better still is no cure as long as we get paid hundreds of thousands each year!!

I rewrote that last line a dozen times because Google/nVidia/Advent cannot get the bold and italic working and the keyboard sites not work that will either. Would not be half as bad if it worked OK and you did not have to hit backspace on every attempt on each sentence. When done when all is in bold and italics for some bizarre reason the preceding word and only the preceding word had italics and bold removed from it. Attempting to backspace further and it just continues until your are the beginning again?!

That is every single time without fail so you have to scrap the whole sentence!! Lol!

Still with the incidents occurring in China with Doctors being attack at least I can show evidence that my warning were quite correct but for some reason ignored.

Now here is one for those that like coming their own noodles...

1 How can so many of my warnings have been ignored?

2 How could my warnings continue to be ignored as each and every one of then systematically hit the news headlines?

3 How can this possibly continue for much longer?!

Maybe there is a national dislike for people who are intelligent? At least where the media is concerned, lol, maybe I need to talk like a chav and go into Big Brother house before anyone takes notice?!

That was a joke by the way, I will never apply to go into big brother or anything else on TV for that matter.
Umm... you cannot be nominated can you?! Do NOT nominate me!! Hmm I am going to have to she some friends of mine who I am about to help out for a couple of hours!

I will take that as my cue!

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