Thursday 6 February 2014


Well it seems time after time the signs are that this year is going to be an extremely bad one... of if you happen to be a politician that is!!

It is now becoming clear albeit 5 weeks too late and 34 days far too late, of the absolute horrors that the flooding has caused on an ever growing number of people.

Today I heard that a great many people who have been affected so catastrophically by the persistent rising flood water have taken to writing letters to the Prime Minister?! These are too be handed to the visiting minister in the next day or so! One women actually gets sarcastic, good for you, and demands to know if a recent visit to Birmingham by the Prime Minister was that important that he left many people suffering with the disastrous weather. There were remarks to add to their levels of intelligence by some!

It is beginning to look that this blind attitude to the problems at home while our leaders of previous times love to dance on a world stage has now been caught off guard? The relentless wind and driving rain combined with high tides on occasion has absolutely battered large sections of both England, Wales and Scotland. Unfortunately effecting large sections of British Society while even those unaffected have now been shown just how bad it has been.

Now it appears that what I have painstakingly tried to show so many people for so very long has now been forced into the foreground and spotlight by the media!! Odd that I have attempted to show the media by way of data, DVDs and emails that this would be the likely consequence in a nationwide catastrophe due to current attitudes and self-obsession by the House of Commons, politicians, public services and government.

Unfortunately the News Media seen to be affected by the exact same things as that which had affected our government and public office as well as services! Makes you wonder if human society needs a war every now and then on your own doorstep to make people realise the horrors possible by focusing their concentration?!

Madness, I know!

I was starting this to friends largely who themselves have come to find that this, front line staff and of the higher levels of local government just do not give a Rats arse. It has come as a real culture shock to them and they are quite dumbfounded to find that all that I have stated for the last ten years has been accurate to the finest detail!

It is a crying shame that this is what it takes and that it needs so many to be affected and then let in limbo or to rot before enough people wake up and see.

I thought I also heard in a news report that this dreaded weather was to continue for the next couple of weeks and right now most of southern England from Lands End to Kent had a huge yellow warning with an almost as big AMBER warning for bad weather for the next 48 hours?!

I wonder to if those poor victims of natures wrath have stopped and thought about all the many hundreds of millions of pounds and even billions of pounds they hear about each day on the TV News has made them wonder... WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED TO ALL THIS MONEY?!

Meanwhile many meetings of the emergency cabinet I shall now call SLOW-WORM have been held, likely all getting pissed, to make us think they are doing something. When for the last 5 weeks at least duck all had happened. But everyone had red skin all across the top of their backs with all the heavy petting!! I mean patting, lol.

It is a shame, shameful and for my I for one find it embarrassing because the while works is watching now at just how hypocritical our leaders and government are. In fact it really is completely wrong to refer to any of them as leaders at all. They could not organise the proverbial piss up!

Now where is Danny La Rue?! He has a lot to answer for as many people in the UK seem to be lacking him?!


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