Monday 3 February 2014


I decided to send Irwin Mitchell Solicitors an update as they told me that if things changed and I had a diagnosis I might bet legal representaion.

This is the second time now I have done this with the same solicitors and if anyone heard the first one you might note how careful the lady was that I spoke to to NOT tell me that I do not have a case and that I should tey other solicitors. I did not bother at the time as with all these people you just end up in a bloody mess and not keeping on top of everything.

So along with all the other things I have already left on the backburner for a very long time now I decided to just leave this.

But what with the discovery of my condition and the false allegations coming to my door in the form of two reports that have since been withdrawn I thought I would contact Irwin Mitchell again just as they asked me to.

This was partly because for the first time ever a leaflet for a solicitors practise not far from me dropped through my letterbox the other day?! I question this because I did start expecting solicitors practices to start struggling in all honesty but this one has been very late.

Well apart from Irwin Mitchell that is as just like you hear me tell the women in the recording I have provided below they seem to want such easy cases that a solicitor would therefore NOT be needed?!


I will try to contact solicitors at some point regarding the subjects of this blog but probably after I have been to Guy's Hospital and the Personal Independent Payments application has finished too. The same applies to other things to like literary agents but I do feel now that at 100,000 and climbing I have reduced the need to do this and I think it may be a close call between me phoning them and them fiding this blog and contacting me.

Although I will have to be very careful with this due to what happened when I was intercepted by someone who was linked to the bailiffs and then my witness vanished!

So below is the link to the recording with Irwin Mitchell solicitors and this language they use where they are more interested than themselves that they are victims need to stop.

If I am solvent at any point in the next 12 months or so I would NEVER hire Irwin Mitchell Solicitors because they do not sound very caring and more importantly any good, lol.

She also suggestions The Law Society and Community Legal Advice too which I point out to her I did work for a solicitor and added to this the Community Legal Advice people lied to me and stated it was OK for bailiffs to assault people. Those two are both on this blog somewhere and those wanting more details can do a search for them using the search function or anyone else they happen to now be hoping that I have run into and given the same treatment, lol.

Here is the link and I hope it now shows more clearly the lack of both human rights as well as legal rights that English born people seem to have any longer. That which I have covered DURING the life of the blog is exactly more or les how it has gone for twenty years. Only in the last 7 years it has increased in intensity and frequency while I manage to acquire more and more truth facts and recordings. Something that Irwin Mitchell does not even want to look at?! Bit bizarre that one I find.


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