Tuesday 4 February 2014


Thought it was strange that ever time there was one of these big and very expensive get togethers if the worlds leaders that nothing ever happened.

Well now it turns that the Americans, courtesy of their NSA, already knew what everyone else was going to say before they even arrived.

More interesting is that one chap in the report stated that many believed the Americans were listening in on everything. This particular get together was 2009. Ergo not only was this meeting a complete farce but so was every single one since then as well as God knows how many prior to this meeting?!

Before Kyoto?

So there is a humungous waste of the taxpayers money for dozens of different countries and their societies that had gone on since 2009, do five years then? Depending on how long they were actually at it this could be an absolutely humungous amount of money spent at the taxpayers expensive for a large portion of the entire planet?!

Really stupid, blind, naive and self obsessed with no thought whatsoever for the people they stand their defending taxes from?!

Double nice!!

Emissions impossible: Did spies sink key climate deal? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25981242

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