Thursday 2 January 2014


Here is a personal hate of mine as I had several run ins with Doctors that praised CBT.

I did not agree with then and they did not like it. When I was attending a Pain Management group with the NHS which was NOT actually nothing of the kind they mentioned it again a couple of times. I did NOT like the way they promoted it not one bit.

It was pure arrogance beyond belief and an absolutely terrible attitude. Also the way that they presented it was in such a way that you could but argue against it. Luckily for then they did not our it to me or I would have just ripped the CBT idea to pieces and left it dropping to the floor around their feet.

It was quite simply the maddest bloody things I had ever heard utter...

"CBT WORKS! But you have to believe that it works asks know that it works for it to work. If you are negative about it working them it won't work!"

I mean...REALLY?! That is what you are thing with?!

Also as they talked you could tell they were insinuating also that if you're negative about CBT you can FECK off as you cannot be helped.

Now there are several massive size black holes with this attitude...

1 CBT is NOT a cure for all ills. In fact I have personally but seen any evidence if it curing anything and seems to be a cop out?

2 Even if CBT does help to be certain it to help the patient in question you need to be sure of the diagnosis! Morons.

3 In my case I would like to have asked why they were promoting this to a room full of people in pain? CBT is a behavioural therapy and cannot be applied to people whose problem stems from severe pain. YET AGAIN evidence if it being used as a COP OUT?!

4 And the best one of all was this attitude about patients being positive about it and this comes in two parts...

A- How can you expect people to be positive about something they do not understand? But this does not even done into it because...

B- If people with these issues can be positive at the snap of your fingers then what the FECK do they need CBT for?!

It is funny how certain probe sure to their jobs think so highly of their own intelligence but say things to make themselves sound incompetent.

I would imagine that if they were reading this they would be tempted to out a comment at the bottom saying 'ah well you're just negative and that is my point' but I would answer 'well I spent fifteen quid on a fecking book that merely tells you not to cry over spilt milk! One look at my life history and medical records and you would have to be some sort of twat to insinuate I have just had a series of spilt milk!'


These so calmed professionals need to drop this arrogance before it exposes in their faces literally.

When I contacted the General Medical Council and stated that if my GP spoke to me like that again I would break his jaw, our want to break his jaw, I was trying to get a point across.

You see what they failed to mention, probably knowing I had Fibromyalgia so would no remember, is that I was trying to state clearly that do fast everyone had been lucky. You see I have endured a great deal and that is an inescapable fact. But even with the frustrations I can bite my lip and walk away. My point was to the GMC was that if it had been anyone else this would not have happened.

I tried to say that the NHS and the increasing arrogance of GPs was a very right road and I could see alot if medical staff starting to hit the headlines after being physically attacked. In fact it may well have already started but being kept out of the media? Who knows?

Unfortunately for the GMC, and I expected it as it had happened with every single Ombudsman I have dealt with and also happened with a tribunal that was supposed to be there for me but biased in favour if the DWP, they then used this and twisted it and broke a confidentiality agreement to give the GP an excuse to get rid of me.

Thinking they were serving themselves they only ended top serving me. As I was playing a game of cat and mouse when I realised the GP was a cold amoral and arrogant twat...I was then just playing him as well as all the hospital departments he referred me to.

Yes I had genuine symptoms to be referred. But I knew and I repeat and emphasize KNEW, that everyone involved would faff about, wiggle, be evasive, use lame excuses, contradict themselves and lie through their teeth and NOT DIAGNOSE ME.

Don't get me wrong, nothing would have made me happier than to get the right treatment and a proper diagnosis. But this had been going on for 13 years in my mind. Little did I know it was actually going on a lot longer. It also now appears that even those that made an effort on front of me to help were actually just doing this for my benefit, our just for show.

So just in case you missed it, in just the last couple of years I pressurised to get myself referred to both departments I had been sent to in the past as well as those departments they have NEVER sent be to EVER. I did this knowing and betting the farm that I will NEVER get a straight answer and NEVER get a correct diagnosis and hoping I would get several recorded tapes of loads of health professionals wriggling, fidgeting, bullshiting and falsifying.

As far as the latter statement is concerned I got much more than I could have hoped by a country mile. Out went but only just how I thought and just how I said out would but got dozens of recordings when I would have been happy with six.

I got more than six just of that idiot GP (lies, mistakes and wrong drug information), three of a physiotherapist (gets annoyed when no effect), one of a neurologist (anything he knew my face when we had never met), three of a back specialist  (contradiction), one of NCS and EM tester (proved I was later to be lied to by neurologist), biomechanic (suggesting I was putting it on then staying it was neurological and stated last diagnosis was WRONG), Podiatrist (U was later told was wrong by Biomechanic) who himself stated there WAS OBVIOUS problem with feet and Julian Livingstone and Dr Day were wrong at Barnet Hospital which I knew) head of surgery at Barnet (trying to refuse an appointment they failed at miserably) several nurses, reception staff and a few more I probably cannot recall.

Hospitals included St Michael's, Chase Farm, Royal Free, Barnet and three GP surgeries. All the must relevant recordings I have done are in here. There will be some relevant ones I did but post up, our just plain fibro forgot lol.

Also other recordings involve the exact exact same thing but with Local Councils, the DWP and even the Police. Probably others too hard to remember.

But them my terrible ability to remember was how it all started. I was writing notes if things going on in case I forgot and they turned into two books I have not tried to get published in way over a year and a half. Then I thought I could put things on a blog as help to back me up and make it ready to just send people links, like solicitors but never found a decent one lol, so they could access the evidence.

So the very thing I have been embarrassed to admit to, both to hospitals and anyone else I deal with, us my terrible memory and the creation of books and blogs which are now helping to help others and cause these very evil and money obsessed organisation a fair few sleepless nights.

Now throughout 2014 there well be more sleepless nights than anything else, lol.

Ces't la vie! Lol!

Now hopefully that is now on it's way to reaching it's final destination as far as my personal health is concerned. Provided I do not get done bad news in a phone consultation tomorrow afternoon?!  This will hopefully be academic and a 'yes you have been tested for everything' (better still '..fecking loads the morons' lol) I am sending you to Guy's Hospital which will be the end of the road for me. At long last! Fingers crossed.

Meanwhile hear is a link regarding a report that CBT does but work on Schizophrenics! I wonder if more will be added in time? Lol.

Schizophrenia: CBT 'little help'

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