Thursday 2 January 2014


I had a good one today, really should have been in the last post abiut peculiar events lol, which made several people laugh around 90 miles apart too.
Before Christmas and as a thank you to my mother I bought both of us a SanDisk Ultra 32GB Micro SD Card from Amazon. She had asked me to get her one knowing I could get them cheaper than in the supermarkets and as I was getting one for myself I got her one too.
Boxing Day I was seeing everyone at my sister's house so I took my Advent Tegra Note 7 Tablet now complete with its 32GB SanDisk Ultra card and the white Amazon envelope containing the other card as a gift.
At the point when I pulled it out I waved the carboard envelope around, listed on Amazon as 'FUSS FREE PACKAGING' or something similar and said 'Look my first present in bloody years' to which my sister later said something sacastic like am I feeling allright, Totally missing the point that I have been like this for bloody years because I dont and the NHS have been screwing me, lol.
Today my mother called me from Brighton where she was staying with my grandmother. She had been trying to get some photos printed from her phone is Jessops, which I thought had all gone noe but seems not. She also had been in the Carphone Warehouse shop as they were having difficulties. I had several calls about this over 3 days. Todays one was a little....different....
"Martin? This Sandisk card you got me, was it one of yours or did you buy it new?" she asked.
Thinking something had gone wrong with it I said "No it was NEW, surely you see me get the big cardboard envelope ou tof my backpack?! I bought two cards exactly the same together. Mine was put in the tablet and yours I left in the enevelope and bought down to Christies. Surely you remember me waving it about? You took it out and then handed me it and the phone and asked me to put the sd car in the phone for you."
"That is what I thought!" she said before continuing "only we have a bit of a problem here as the guys in the shop were going through the phone and there is a load of porn on it! I tried to tell them it is not mine and they are laughing and do not believe me!"
I burst out laughing and this is kind of typical of my mother as she will think the worst of everything and wont be told otherwise. I told her no they will know these things happen, everyone does. I then told her about the Nintendo 3DS I had just done a post about. When she explained it to them the Nintendo turned into a Playstation.
If you kne my mother then you would realise that she would most definately find that being caught with porn on her phone is entriely embarrassing, lmao. She has never watehd one and only over her dead body in her own words would this ever take place.
Needless to say that off the phone my mate who knows my mother burst out laughing when I told him what had just happened and said all the guys in the shop were standing around grinning at it. He joked "tell her it IS yours and you want it BACK!!" Before we both roared with laughter.
I am dying to email Amazon about this as I am bery eager to see how they respond to it! The envelopes had their name all over it and one sits right nest to me right now!
These companies just too busy concentrating on making as much money as they can, no thought to the dangers or customer service most of the time, lol.

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