Tuesday 14 January 2014


Just for the record, and I have mentioned this previously, I get out and about among the wildlife many times as far away as I can manage but sometimes a bit closer to home.

I stumbled across this video I did of a Swan cygnet that had broken its leg, or it later turned out it was knee or right next to it.

I had met a lady while out one day who added me to Facebook. I can always recognise those into wildlife when I am out and makes it easy to approach people. Good job I do as you would not recognise me as knowing any of the things I do, lol.

Well for thoise worried about the Cygenty, don't be. I told the lady I know about it, buit wont mention her name. Once they relaised that I knew what a broken leg looked like they shot down their and managed to chase this poor chap around who must have been wondeing what the hell was going on! The managed to strap him down and get him to a Swan Sanctuary!

A relief to know there are people I can contact because the RSPCA are notoriously fecking useless and are well known now among true animal lover to be yet another industry grabbed upon by wealthy people to make money out of while showing people obvioulsy set up bits of film on adverts.

Oh and knee jerk reactions to attemptiung to sue people or fine them without getting their facts straight...oooh I DO aplogise not INTERESTED in getting theior facts straight and think themselves a law unto themselves like many others I have attacked on this blog, lol.

Hmm I must ask her how the Cygnet got on but I got a picture of him or her in the Swan Sanctuary posted on my Facebook wall from the lasy and the Sanctuary with thanks for letting them know.

Good to know someone is out there genuinely interested in helping animals out!

This was in Enfield Town which is where I currently reside, despite the god awful council that have that God Complex problem like all other not so public services, lol.

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