Friday 3 January 2014


It is a mirage in reality is it not?

Ever since someone came up with the idea of national secrets as some things should not be widely known publicly you can guarantee there will be a queue of people waiting to abuse it.

Three simply is no honour anymore and in fact there has not been for sometime now.

Of course there will be occasions when some things should be kept secret but has anyone asked themselves why this is?

I personally feel that the nation is kept busy working is backside off so that people do not have time to stop and think. Added to not vein able to do this it also appears that the wider public they do not want people being too smart? Or at least top many of them. This way there are easy to predict for the most part and easy to manipulate and get people spending cash. Yes it is true that of late people have not been spending but that in turn dies not equate to people spending sensibly.
As an example those that know me and read enough on here will know I am way overdue a whole wardrobe of clothes. Way overdue. They would also know I am in my local TK Maxx a great deal, which reminds me I have now had a second person in three days now look at me in which as if they knew me. I often browse items and then talk myself out of buying them and it had been like this for one particular item I need for three years. In fact I purchased the wetting coat from Millets last year as it turned mild within 48 hours. Thinking I would need it this winter and with the weather people predicting sub freezing temperatures and six inches of snow or more I did think I would have written it a great deal by now?! But, no! As is getting s lot more frequent the weather forecasters and the incompetent national tabloids have been getting it wrongerer and wrongerer!! Lol. Despite the fact that we are getting winds and leading rain in waves of late it is still extremely mild. FDI not need to prove this either as I have seen flying insects several times. Insects simply do not do cold weather. I must get back on track by stating that today for the first time in ages I entered the department store called Pearsons. I traveled up an escalator and as the next for came into view I first saw a sign starting 'up to 70% off'. Then the clothing racks with women's flouncy summer clothing came into view and a hoards of women wading through the racks.

I do remember thinking 'look at that? Even with my lack of focus, concentration, short term memory problems and pain I can pull myself away from things despite being them. But before me are a bunch of week dressed women grasping at clothes as if they were hills of hidden gold!

Later I was thinking of this asking with something else and it was when I heard someone say 'money is not important' and I thought 'how is it that it always turns out that the people that came out with idiot statements like that they are always  financially comfortable?' Well no money would not be important to you would it if you had it and s home that is yours?!

It is like when I refer to people always thinking things are not that bass unless it happens to them. If I had my way, which unfortunately I do not, brain dead moron's like that should not be allowed the responsibility of sharing their opinions. When I make statements and appear harsh when I use words like 'brain dead' and 'air head' I do not care and for two reasons...

1) The statement is true because people often do not SEE behind their own personal space of three feet. So yes they are brain dead and their true.

2) They may also be amoral so deserving of have some insults hurled at them, lol.

Now I was just soaking the other day to others about the miners strikes of the 70's when I was at school. I remember some miners coming into my school and giving a talk. I listened as they explained how they were all out of jobs and being screed by the government. I remember how shocked I was that at the end they asked that if we had anything belongings like clothing and toys that could we donate them so they could give them as Christmas presents to their families?!

I was shocked at that. I can tell you the rude home in my father's car would have been interesting. He was a laboratory technician in the science section at the same school and also a Conservative and voted for Margaret Thatcher. I cannot recall the conversation at all but it would have been interesting I know that much.

I felt sorry for the miners but found their plea for gifts strange, almost as if it was not genuine. That was what I felt at the time but then I was only around 12 or 13? Possibly I thought that they were touring schools and making this plea to put that plight of their in the mind of the public to keep it there through feelings of sorrow? I do not know. But I do believe they got shafted fur whatever reason, right or wrong they got screwed. I did not know much about the world at the time but I always felt that.

Fast forward God knows how many years and now it transpires that something very serious that Margaret Thatcher was accused of doing which was vehemently denied now turns out to be true anyway?! Someone who had reported the story was quite passionate about it and starred that the documents he had in his hands, had this had for it at the time it would have done serious and irreparable damage to Margaret Thatcher's credibility.

Now I remember thinking how strange it was when Margaret Thatcher was held in high esteem by varies media groups recently when she was so hated. Of course there was a backlash over it and when she died there were people celebrating in the streets in varies cities and town across the UK! Even I was shocked to see that!

But I have long maintained on this blog and long before it that this hidden control of this country and even it's government had been going on a very long time. Indeed I believe it started with the Thatcher years somehow and somewhere.

Yet there is one other aspect about all this which also occurred to me and that is that those miners people did feel sorry for and for a long time too. They never got anything they wanted and I could not even tell you what happen to them. But they got sympathy and possibly got much support and sympathy.

But it occurred to me would there be the same level of support today? Would people so for five minutes to read, understand and fell for their plights? They were hard working people and low paid and with families.

I asked myself because of one thing and one thing only... that of my own plight. I have worked and attempted to work while dealing with one of the wider disabilities there is. I have worked for low pay, I have studied at college and then university through it all too.  I have worked for free to help as many as I can and have dinner this through the eighteen months of this blogs existence. But I do not feel that there is sympathy within society anymore and have not done so for write sometime. It is as if the government had turned everyone into carbon cores of themselves, cold and amoral? So sad and yet another reason I created this blog. In fact it is the very reason that now and then I speak about toying with the idea if a donation button on here and never do it.

I think about putting one on to give people the option to do what this government cannot and help me to help myself.

I also think about instead of, or asking with, that idea do one that states that I would hire the best solicitor around and take the public office to court, well you will know by now I do not suffer fools and spot then a mile off?!

But after thinking those two ideas, which I first thought of back in July as a possibility, I talk myself out if doing it. I did say I may put one up this month but I know I won't. It is just not me and I do think it would be a waste of time. But that may be me being defeatist where the public are concerned. I cannot accept help because I have not been offered it for such a long time. Plus and part and parcel of that is that I only ended up doing it all in my own and can only trust myself to do it?!

Yes I do make things hard work for myself. My excuse us it relieves the boredom! Lol.

But then, unlike someone I now who is not an expert on the Internet and computers but then suddenly becomes ones because he thinks no one can change anything, I do know that I WILL SUCCEED.

What many cannot understand, though some now are, is that you can win. But some believe that if it takes too long this equates to losing?! What the feck?! My word some people? Lol.

Stone things in life are inevitable and backed up by simple mathematics and a few fundamental truths...

1 My blogs will always be attracting visitors whether I put work into them it not. So that is ONE DIRECTION. Not stationary and not backwards!

2 I strongly believe the truth will out as will mine, note maybe it had to some degree and maybe it has not. But once enough people have read enough if my facts during this time they will see that many are true while see them appearing on the TV news or tabloids while visiting.

3 Like my brother could see there are tipping points... many tipping points for various things all of which will come in at various stages.

4 Some of these tipping points are: Generating enough revenue to get paid an income, generating enough visitors and public that literary agents become interested in the three books I have written and the others in my head, the tabloids don't ignore elements of the blog and data, same with TV news, get offered a career I can actually do and get too.

Now REMEMBER it only goes in one direction! One.... direction.

Now it is true I have never been able to say how long this will be, proved that by attempting it and getting it wrong, Lol. But I do know that it WILL HAPPEN because whatever the current truth is I have been heading in a direction whereby it cannot be ignored.

It has yet to have anyone prove it wrong either because you cannot. I just realised too that I did not get my phone call from the GP?! HMM! I digress.

But what I can tell you are the following few facts.... remembering it goes in one direction...

1 When I started this nearly seventeen months ago I was getting a few people a week. After a few months I was getting tens of people per week. After around 6 months I was getting into the hundreds and the last I looked i was into thousands per week, over 2,000.

2 I was heading for a total of 100,000 which I may or may not have surpassed? Several week before Christmas it was in the 70,000 odd region. So how long would you hazard a guess before I might be getting tens of thousands per week? A few months? A few weeks? Now? Lol. How long before I break the 50,000 per week or the hundred? Will it be this year? That rate at which it had climbed since it started seems to suggest that it will?!

3 If and when I do reach those milestones what do you think the total number of visitors might be? 200,000? 500,000?! 1,000,000?!?! More?!

4 The truth is that I simply do not know but today's date is the 4th January 2014 and there is a bloody long way to go before 2015, but years seem to go by so quickly these days?! Also desire today's date I am now almost 18 months closer to those above targets that I was when I started.

5 Also when I started I was an unknown only getting the odd visitor here and there but now I have done huge blogs and close to 100,000 so if you consider the fact that I did that in eighteen months what might you think I would do in the next eighteen months. If you think say the same amount again your way, WAY OFF, LMAO. Because I am starting with 100,000 as a basis!

To the last remark look at it this way...

I was attracting 2,000 the last I looked. Well was around 2,300 give or take. Might be 2,500 or more now I just do not know as I do not look as much as I used to, to much other stuff to desk with, Lol.

But at 2,300 per week that is nearly ten thousand in for weeks and 100,000 in forty weeks, except as I started that 2,300 figure had been riding too since this blogs inception.

If I take the 18 month period next month onwards and sat that there is 2,500 peer week then a month will be ten thousand. Of after two months this is rising by 5,000 per week then one month is 20,000 and if it rises by 10,000 then it's 40,000 per months. 18 months from now it could be rising by 50,000 or 100,000 per week?!

Now here is the little bit I like and you have to consider and factor in just how many things I cover, predict and reveal...

.. just about anything can come along at any point and make this go viral. Despite petiole not wanting to take the time to read every now and then something appears in the news that become a buzzword and gets searched online. I do get little sorts of this from time to time and each time if happens it's gets bigger and that shot guards is what's larger than the last time it happened.

All this because I would like the lying crap by this that think of themselves if a higher calling to stop, like that very thing in this retort of Margaret Thatcher and the Coal Mines!

Cannot wait to see what is released on Tiny Blair in power when the time comes?! Whoowheee yes siree I bet there will be loads of things about what he did to the DWP and suffered of mental health and...oh.....wait...a minute. Thatcher is dead! That stuff has just come out?! That means I will likely be dead when the Blair stuff and public screwing comes out!!

Good they really have planned this will do they can scree us and get away with it until death. It shall be called The Savile Technique from this moment on! Lol!

Archives reveal pits closure plan

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