Monday 13 January 2014


The headline says that green spaces improve mental health and I could not agree more.

Although I do have to admit to sighing a great deal when I am out and see people that do not appreciate the beauty of the natural world. In more ways than one too!

I know from my own experiences that it is both therapeutic and calming and why I started taking photos of fauna and flora. For this to work for me it has to be more than just a green space and it has to be deserted too. Though I do enjoy bumping into people who are knowledgeable on wildlife and these people are always easily spotted.

This is how my British Wildlife blog as well as my Reptile, Amphibians and Fish blog came into existence, though admittedly I should have really done this several years ago. But then I was preoccupied with dozens of health problems that turned out to be just one. Also many other things were up and down as this blog explains for each and every horrific act of oppression against me as this is how it felt for me as well as how it appeared.

What I had to do to find these places of solitude was to use a Mountain Bike to get find them. There was also something about my cycling I could not understand but discovering may true ailment has made it easily understood. I used to sometimes have nothing in the tank on the cycle home and this would be gruelling and painful. I would arrive home totally exhausted and just putting the bike away seemed to take more energy than I had.

But I did it because most of the time the lack of energy meant I would most likely sleep. For all the pains in all the places in my body it is a close one but .... not sleeping is really bad. Oddly many years ago I could do an allnighter but today, no. I understand that my condition means I very extremely rarely go into a proper deep sleep. Nothing is repairing itself in body and mind and going without any sleep at all in this advanced state of the condition is simply not good.

The next day you are zombified, start wanting to fall asleep which continues all day and everything seems a lot worse to boot. In fact it is the primary thing on my mind most of the time and the one thing I fear above all else. I have often said that my condition is really, really horrid. I have stated that I would not wish this condition on the devil himself. I have often stated that I envied people at times who were missing their legs because I would have no feet, knees or hips. Would not do a great deal for the pains above my waste but I would rid myself of half of them.

Of course the reason this is painted as the picture from hell is because it was created that way because a guy with extremely painful feet, knees, hips, groin, back, shoulders and other things is perfectly OK. Whereas a guy missing his legs is obviously not. That was part of the reason this blog came into existence. My twenty year problem with my daughter and Wirral Council was another. Corruption everywhere else was yet another.

Still not long to go now snd I sm into the final year of the public services fiasco from hell.

Green spaces 'improve mental health'

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