Monday 6 January 2014


The more I think about the possibility of unrest in the UK the more I think about the inevitable questions and claims that will come with it.

I really do think there will be a backlash and an uprising here but I never really thought it would ever happen. But then I never really realised just how bad and corrupt things were going to turn out.

A few days ago I was considering these questions along with voting numbers and it got me thinking. I do not know what the percentage are of petiole turning out to vote? Even if I did I am really interested in the numbers for this particular point I want to make.

Now let us say for arguments sake that it is 50% you would realise that despite their being 60 million a third of them are likely under 18. Or children. So forty million people of voting age then?

Half of forty million is 20 million and if half did not vote you can rest assured that this would largely to do with the fact that it is the same old shit? Or as I would like to call it that some Americans have managed to take over the running if the United Kingdom and via stealth?! Lol.

Let us say for arguments that this is all true and the figures are correct. This in power in reality only got a small portion of the votes and let us say it was 35% and this is generous. Thirty five percent of 20 million you have around 7 million?!

So just throwing figures around in the dark here 7 million voted fit the Conservatives? But 33 million did not want then in power?! Now you can bet your bottom dollar that many of those that voted for them are absolutely kicking themselves!!

Now personally I would find it bloody hilarious and quite refreshing, not to mention giving me a rare feeling of hope and avoiding some uprising, if all those that refrained from voting all decided to go and vie but for none of the big three liars and cheats. Just do not do anything silly and vie the Green Party in, until they start making sense that is and not just wanting to run blindly down an alley without the direct evidence to back it up and there is none. You cannot stop what is happening and it is inevitable. I wish it was not but it is and that is that. The best you will achieve is allowing it down but some things should be stopped, like fracking.

I digress. Now back on track... would you be able to call it criminal if those twenty million people that abstained in their right to vote ask turned up and said..

"OI!! You lot!! OUT! SKIING YOUR FECKING HOOK AND DO NOT COME BACK!!" while dragging them all out if their office and number 10 and 11?!

After all this would be the majority of the Brutish nation! You can bet ask ex-patriot Brits would be behind it to?! Lol.

Sometimes my over active mind come up with these 'What If' scenarios and I over the questions. I mean is there a percentage of the public that can act and do something like that and it be perfectly legal?

After all Football Managers get sacked all the time for disastrous results and even questionable behaviour of a lurid nature, lol. Though the latter kind of reports I disagree with and should be be allowed unless someone is getting hurt.

Anyway, just another of my food for thought moments.

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