Tuesday 14 January 2014


Well now there is a rare thing?!

Finally I am vindicated as I have long claimed that the prevention of the receding glaciers is impossible.

Here is a report whereby it states at long last that this idea of taxing the world's poorest people to reverse something that cannot even be stopped was absolute shore from the beginning.

No doubt we will still disagree on the cause?! They will say that we caused it and I will say no. Though I will state that stopping pumping crap until the atmosphere by the richest and must powerful people of the world because nothing is ever enough is always a good idea because we do have to breathe this crap.

Now can the governments and energy companies that took taxes off people under false pretences now give all that money back please?!

What do to mean you cannot?!  Well I thought you were saving it all to help save the world by holding back planet size events you never stood a chance to stop, let alone avidly reverse?! Well where IS all that money?!

Are we THERE YET?!

Big glacier's retreat 'irreversible' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25729750

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