Thursday 2 January 2014


Not my words, Lol.

I saw this and simply had to pay it, Lol.

According to the Daily Mail's report a survey was done to test the intelligence of period using certain phone operating systems, it seems if your an Android user your a bloody dunce, same applied to Windows phones.
But if your an iPhone user your super smart, which you have to be of course because your phone is a dunce, Lol.

Now it due turn out that the Daily Mail is a Tory newspaper and the Tories do not seen that bright to me in sour of their famed educations. So I suppose it stands to reason the those associated with newspapers that are in favour if then that this would reflect on them too?!

Now I wonder what the most commonly used phone at The Daily Mail would turn out to be?! Lol.
I would not like to see their comments pages, if I were then I might get the soapy water ready for my eyeballs?

Added to this now can people using iPhones be smarter? They are for simpletons and added to this I just posted an article about Goggle's Moto G phone costing one eighth the price of a single iPhone, proving Apple take the absolute piss while giving you very little extra for this 800 quid or more phone over the last one.

So to me people that upgrade every single iPhone are simply bunkers and very naive. How can it be classed as intelligent to firm out a load of cash just so you can show off your new fashion accessory?

That is stupid. But in all honesty even if the iPhones were a third of the price this report would still be stupid. What Igor dues a survey like that?! What a pointless and stood exercise because there simply is no answer. I just like to make a point by poking fun at iPhones for all the things I do not like about them. Android annoys me too but not nearly as much as iOS. Windows Phone I have hardy used but it duress about me and I am out off buying one. Because there are stupid restrictions on Windows that is so typically narrow minded of Microsoft on my mates Nokia phone. Oh and he often looks for apps I have shown him on both Android and iOS and they are never there. Not even the Opera Browser in any form!

The truth is you cannot say what someone is like based on their phones and is typical of people that think they are of a higher calling than your average Joe. I have an iPhone 4S and it got used for awhile and now I admit be bothered. I could hack it to turn it into a proper phone to replace my thoroughly annoying Motorola Atrix which is faulty. But I simply do not like the iOS enough to even bother.

The OS is just basically an app tray and a boring one at that. There are no widgets bit desktop screen at all. Before any fanboys even think about saying anything, sorry but if it was so great why do the Apple Computer desktop screens not look exactly the same?! Beaches people using them would probably go to Windows.

Now it's no secret that I do not like, correction I hate, the new Metro look of Windows 8. No option for a proper Start Button and waste of screen space with those big tiles. In effect they are all very bland looking widgets. But at least the Windows desktop and Windows Phone do look similar?

To be honest I for one have been stunned at the pidgeon steps that Apple have taken for their forward motion in recent times. I fully suspected that many would migrate over to Android as that does at least get better, minus the odd balls up.

So quite how this report states that iPhone users are smarter than others I am at a loss to understand. Provoking a fight or acting on a cash incentive?!

Oh I forgot about BlackBerry! A favourite of businessman (bankers? Of dear!) and journalists (oh crap?!) Rico dues tend to make me think it had not faired to well? Lol!

iPhone users smartest, Test of Wits says. BlackBerry? Sorry -

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