Monday 6 January 2014


I listened to a disagreement tonight. I heard someone so far off the mark she does not even class as being within the solar system at all in an orbit.

Someone called Julia Hartley-Brewer argued with Kevin Maguire and I have to say that if the Conservative Party had the attitude that she expressed then I fear for the next year or two.

In fact her statements where so uncivilised and completely and utterly wrong I would have hidden my head in shame had I uttered it.

Her view is that the wrong things have been in place so fully justified that the poor can now take the  punishment.

Funny Julia as I do not recall anyone in the Conservative Party starting that all this was going to happen while you're beloved Conservative Party was in opposition.

You cannot justify the terrible inhumane treatment of people and then claim within minutes of a civilised society. I do not know what it is with Conservatives it is like not one of them has a bloody clue about human nature. They just seen so ignorant, sorry native just dies not fit I am afraid. Quite how you do an LBC Radio show I do not know, with attitudes like that and I cannot say I am surprised that Kevin Maguire was irritated by you. In fact I was amazed at your ability to surpass the man you had replaced in this respect.

Here is a little lesson I have witnessed over and over again in my life but not with me, with others like yourself. You seem to carry on as if that if you say something enough times this renders it true. You can repeat the same thing as many times as you wish, sound like you are correct as many times as you wish and convince yourself as much as you want...

... but I am afraid it will not alter the truth not the eventual outcome of things that will come to pass. I am interested to see if those naive to the pain stress and plight of others can admit they are wetting when it eventually hits then square in the face.

As I hopefully made clear here. You cannot expect the poor and disabled to suddenly have their lives turned upside down because you seen it necessary and do not have the balls to hold to account those that created this mess.

I can also tell you and your friends the following... many people in the REAL WORLD are getting very feed up with the finger pointing and blame game for sections of British Society who had no part to play in what went before.

Now let me also make something else perfectly clear..I stated that none of your party knew what was coming when you was in opposition... WELL I DID! There are a great many people that I know that will tell you they thought me mad but had to admit shock when my prediction of a terrible recession turned out to be spot on. This is because I did not agree to what was going on when Labour was in power, not one bit and could see it heading for a fall. It was plainly obvious to me how it would all end and I saw many crafty political things going on towards disabled people even when Labour was in power. I think what the Conservatives actions are also wrong.

What is wetting now is down to narrow sighted politicians and what was going wrong before was down to the same reason. Selfish and incompetent narrow sighted politicians without the gonads to take on big business and powerful people. So do not try to justify the inhumane treatment of human being as if they are digs needing to be trained or babies being potty trained because that is how you made it sound. You also seen to be suggesting that we deserve what we get because we must have voted Labour in power and I for one have never voted for any of you.

So take in from me that the people on the street which make up the majority of the wider public, not a handful of incompetent twats equally naive at a dinner party, and be they pensioners, disabled people, mental health sufferers and petiole owning their own businesses the view is the same. This is a broad spectrum of people across all political parties when it comes to voting and all day the same. So please try not to sound arrogant as if you all knew what was wrong years before it happened and that you are the only ones with the answers. Because it damages this country by pissing of the larger portion of society and in all honesty before very long I do not think they are going to be write so forgiving any more because I think there is not much left in the way of patience.

If you doubt my words I suggest you thoroughly check out the very many posts in this blog and all the evidence I have provided. In fact I would hazard a guess that if you ever do find your way into this part that there will be a fair few posts and a series of revelations as well as associated evidence that are posted post this post.

It is stunning his bickering party members will continue to damage this country further by further alienating themselves from the British public by having their personals wars and differences aired on TV!

Also your precious party had done very little since being in power instead of making life mistake fur the majority. Now George Osborne states he is not even close to half way there now that a general election is starting him in the face? Lol, no I do not think so! What a pathetic way to beg the British public to keep his job not just for another five years but another ten?!

It is so shocking to think that you all think you will get back in power it is absolutely hilarious. In fact I keel telling people that they should not think that everything will change for the better WHEN Labour gets back in power because the problems that affect the Conservatives also dig the Labour Party too. In fact I do not have to tell everyone this, only the very naive, because most actually day the same thing and that is that you cannot tell the difference between you, which is down to the problem that dogs you both and had been killing this country for decades. This view comes from both Labour voters as well as Conservatives.

In fact even if you magically managed to show for sure that things have gone back to normal it will not change the attitudes and views of the people. It will also remain the case that both parties have down themselves to be quite uncivilised while claiming to be.

Also remember that any unrest that may arise is as a direct result to these attitudes to and this blog exists to show that should anything kick off as I believe it will.

If there was ever a time that I would turn it to be wrong then I hope it is on this occasion that I am. But I do actually fear that I am not and statements like yours just convinces me that we will continue edging ever closer to the precipice.

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