Thursday 2 January 2014


Better late, or only a little, than NEVER!

Right oh then here wo go for another salvo at different enemies to rattle their nerves to their very core!

Below is another email I have sent via two separate emails and about to email the Deputy Mayor too. I have also completed an online complaints form.

Now this is because I have some history with Councils and some bad history with this one. As everyone else they use the failures that they know others will do, NHS and DWP, to then tell you to feck off hold out their brubby corrupt hands for cash you do not have and then take you to court over it, lol.

Of course Enfield Council is not the only one and I need to get around to Eppimg Forest District Council, Waltham Forest Council and a few others. Oh just did WIrral Council, lol. No immediate reply from them of course, lol.

Here is the email...

Dear Sirs


I would like to reapply for a Freedom Pass.

I have done this several times since I moved to Enfield, despite having one when I first moved here which is still in my possession. I would also like to point out that in all the times that you refused this you did so wrongly. I shall explain briefly...

1) I know how the government has been influencing the NHS so that both you and the DWP can save money what's more is that I have ammassed several dozen Gigabytes of secret recordings to prove it.

2) I have been refused a diagnosis and have been lied to and have recordings of being lied to and have evidence of medical records being falsified.

3) When the above occured I got into a row with a GP who tried to say I was crazy. I fgot the General Medical Council involved as I knoew they were corrupt and would do nothing and catch them at it. They exceeded my epectations by breaking a confidentiality and helped the last GP to kick me off the practice due to the insinuation of violent behaviour. They choked on there coffee when I then told them I had recorded every songle visit to the Docor and of the lying and falsifying of medical evidence.

4) There was a bribe attempt by NHS England over my prewscription drugs in an effot to get me to drop the official complaint I raised

5) Not only have I know found out what my ailment is, it turns out to be one of the worst disability conditions any one person can suffer with and is Fibromyalgia.

6) The above condition and the documents I had prove that everything I have ever told any public office has been thr truth and have a mountain of evidence that many public offices that I have requested help from have lied through their teeth and kicked and squirmed to not help me.

7) I am PROUD of this one. You miight note that the public offices have been getting a hard time of it? Well it will get worse. I did indeed warn all offices, yours included, that I would not let this lie and that if you do not hear from me then that is the time sto start worrying. IN fact the LONGER that you do not hear from me the worse it will be when you do. Backbench Labour MPs have been USING my data to attack the government in the House of Commons and have been sending my data to the media. I know this because I still have the email requesting permission to do so from the MP and that was back in January 2013.

8) This is very easy for me to do (part 7) because I have a very popular BLOG where I post all of my evidence and all of my data right down to the recordings and even videos along with all letters and all emails. This is found at and I have attracted 100,000 visitors in a little over a year. You can imagine how this is going to go throughout 2014, if you know what exponentially means?

9) I have now proved that the NHS, DWP and Local Councils have been conspiring up and down the country to screw members of the public all for the sake of money which they all have no bloody way of managing correctly and are wasters of it.

10) I have also done the above with the Police, the Secret Services, HMRC (all organisations you may well have seen in the media) and even all Ombudsman all of which are corrupt, take vast amounts of the taxpayers money to sit on their arses and do nothing, even when I come along and present evidence they then make the mistake of not even asking me for!

11) Despite the governments attempts to make those on welfare to look like the criminals, ones to blame for financial situation and insinuating being lazy it was my primary missions to show the the wider British Public that whetever they think of those unfortunate enough to be on the welfare state that this is NOTHING in comparison to the wastage of all Ombudmsan, Governiung bodies amd government departments and have now achived this by way of the next point...

12) I have currently reuested information over forty times based on the Freedom of Information Request 2000 and intend to gather together and collate all figures I have asked for to make the cost of the welfare state to the taxpayer seem mere pennies in comparison. To those bing paid to do nthing at all and get expenses along with it.

So I wuold like to be informed of two things now, I already requested one but have heard no repsonse, as I knew I would not....

Along with the email to the court in Tottenham you claim to be taking me to court for I would also like...


IS this still a paper form? If so can you send me one, or is it online now?


Martin Haswell

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