Tuesday 14 January 2014


I have now and bloody finally finished this brilliant book by a brilliant author, Ginevra Liptan.

I have highlighted many more sections relevant to both me, people I know and have known but more importantly my rocky relationships with NHS staff in denial and with this new attitude that Doctors and Nurses have adopted that all patients are thick and should NOT be listened to!!

Throughout this year of 2014 those that made these decisions to treat people like gutter animals and with nothing other than pure contempt will be shown the error of their ways and then be fixed to sit around for weeks and even months wondering what will happen to them and their careers.

I will at some point in the next few days post more quotes from Ginevra Liptan and her stunning insights that directly mirror my own endeavours, struggles, pains and relationships.

Once this is completed which will be across one or two posts, following up from my other post or two, then this matter will finally be resolved.

It will all be listed here and can be compared back with earlier posts as well as all NHS and GP letters I long since scanned and go back way over ten years.

Then all that will remain now that the evidence is complete and cross referenced will be exactly HOW THE NHS ACT FROM HERE ON IN?!

Then of course there is the matter of certain OTHER organisations and public offices while anyone else mostly have traits set up for them or I need to recontact to get motivating once again.

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