Tuesday 14 January 2014


Well here we go with a brand new keyboard and I can already tell that this is going to be a great deal better to use than the Google one installed on this tablet!

Now I have two ways to type out documents with a lot less hassle and with much less frustration than previous attempts. I did not know that the keyboard included on this Jellybean version of Android was Google's own keyboard and once again they have produced or bought something that is either crap out they have ruined!!

I had actually thought the keyboard was Swype, or maybe it was previously but just like YouTube, Blogger, QuikOffice and anything else I am unaware of they paid billions for it the set about ruining it before adding it into their Android OS. Err yes so effectively running their OS little by little too?!

I thought I had constantly been reading in the technology media that Android was gradually improving?! So how is it that something as simple and basic to work with any PC like the keyboard actually is completely crap when it comes you the English language?!

More and more I am finding more and more software is actually getting worse and worse?! Is everyone so focused on forcing upgrades to gather ever more money, not forgetting the bloody gold coins rubbish showing they yet greed of games developers like that of Real Racing 3, that they are forgetting to actually IMPROVE the software before they change it to force the upgrades?! Lol.

I wonder whether anyone of any worth or will ever step in to stop this senseless and greedy behavior before several digital work and play environments?!

Or maybe someone else will come along with an alternative operating system and do it properly and not drive us all up the wall?

Then we can have yet another utterly boring situation where a huge company that was only little a few years before suddenly find themselves being deserted by everyone and their people asking each other what the hell happened?!

I do so find situations like that utterly amusing. Everyone makes the mistake of thinking that the only thing that matters is getting huge and kissed with cash as quick as possible because when they do achieve this they then think they can behave how they want, act all aloof as if all below them are just sheep to be led as well as ignored?

They fail to realise that desire how far they have come in a short space of time that they can fall back down beyond their beginnings and into oblivion even faster than their rise to fame.

Oddly I have predicted that thus is going to happen to a great number of companies, institutions and public services in the next year or two. In the case of technology companies this will come about his arrogance, delusions of grandeur while some one else will come along giving the public what they want and roar upwards.

Now I do not know what it has that changes but I could hazard a very good guess...

People with a great deal of money that think themselves good with money and either want to keep it out greedy for more go into new companies and ventures.  They buy into things but then strangely believe that because they got lucky then then know house to run the company someone else stated better than the person or team that created it?! Reminding me now of that scene in the film I saw recently called Elysium.  Whereby the man that runs the company Matt Damon's character works for tells Jodie Foster's character 'need I remind you that I started and built up this company'which in this film had a double meaning because he makes fortunes by paying people next to nothing while they work in extremely hazardous conditions with a threat of dangerous levels of radiation.

Or in other words the cycle starts all over again.

This is the danger of the way things will become the norm whereby instead of monopolies you have a cycle of companies riding fast and dying even faster and being replaced by another.  Because they want what Microsoft and others once had but ignoring the negative aspects of the fact the company took a nose five and perhaps died.

Because just like with politicians that do not live in reality, you not even one their heads around the door,  each one thing they are so highly intelligent than either the previous guy or even the following guy that nothing would ever go wrong.

Perhaps when it dies show signs of going wrong because they thought themselves impervious and invulnerable that they then turn into an evil, lying, cheating and misleading company perky because their pride will not slow then to admit the truth?!

Amusing to think of the possibilities when it just depends in that right sequence of glaringly obvious human failings.

But it is business. We get lectured all the time about business, mostly wrong advice too but time and time again lately we just see it over and over again that big name after big names gets it wrong after acting like they rule or rub the world.

A shame really. I just hope that these clowns can truly learn from past mistakes along with people not being so naive and blind to what is really going on.

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