Saturday 4 January 2014


Seen this headline a few times but only now skinned through it.

As dastardly as this seems to be, it was simple child's play and stupid as you were bound to get caught! Done things people try amaze me in that they can be that selfish and amoral and fail to see the wood for the trees?! Clearly she needs to be in government!! Lol.

Oh now wait she has been caught which is not allowed, lol.

The point I wanted to make from this is that...well yes I could, but that does bout mean that I should.

Yes I can come up with done very smart and foolproof plans to make cash quick. But they would be immoral and illegal and that is not me.

What I always found a surprise is that the various public offices were not relieved that I could be like that.

Imagine how much money I could have defrauded then out of?! Though I did think about doing it and giving it all to charities that I think are not corrupt and actually do good.


Woman jailed for £450,000 iPad scam

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