Tuesday 14 January 2014


Well here is a little video I did the other night while doing other films showing how you can link various gadgets together, you can find all the other either on my CPUs and Computers Blog or on my YouTube account under The Trinity of Gadgets.

But what I did was to actually flick about in the app on my Advent Tegra Note Tablet which was linked to my 22 inch Samsung Monitor via a HDMI cable and through a HDMI Switch Box while the Tablet PC was linked via Wirless Tethering to my useless Motorola Atrix Smartphone.

In fact the phone has always worked best when it is doing something that DOES NOT involve bbeing touched!! LMAO!

Anyway and just for the record you can see the APP for Blogger, and only one of a myriad of apps, thay I use for blogging now on my 7 inch Tablet PC which is also linked to a Nyko Gamepad as well as a Perrix Periboard 806 Folding Keyboard for typing. Swype seems to have either become more crap over time, err do Google own it by any chance and ruined it like they did Quick Office?! Lol. Either that or I have just got too fast for Swype?

I do tend to do things very fast, rushed at times which I now know is down to my Fibromyalagia which either has me wired all the time and then switching to fecked and Donald Ducked?! Oh hence why I thought I might have been Bipolar a few years back and someone I knew tried to convince me that I was, lmao I kid you not! Oh and short term memory loss...hmm have I not stated that already Martin you half wit?! No good idea to keep saying that as I may repeat myself on here, I mean there must be 2,000 posts now for Christ' sake, lol.

Not that would be Fibromyalgia.


You will see each and every blog I have and all the subects I cover of Music, Films, Orchids, Astronomy, Amphibians, Reptiles, Fish, Wing Chun, British Wildlife, Computers, Computer Gaming, Japanese Maple Trees, Artistic Photography and others but due to my conditions, public offices and the weather they do tend to get neglected at times and apologies for that. Indeed if not for the NOT-SO public services these would have been started several years ago and be quite huge by now, lmao.

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