Sunday 5 January 2014


They are exploiting cheap foreign labour?!

That is what they said on the news report below! Rich business owners actually admit they are exploiting cheap to work foreigners and leaving Brits out in the cold!

The reason why Brits do not work cheap is because of the fact that everything had for far too expensive! House prices and therefore mortgages! Electrical items are famously overpriced and view they are refurbished and second hand!! Probably because those greedy businessmen charge too much too because it was allowed to just keep going and going like they were playing a game of monopoly!

I stated long, long ago that prices were moving towards far too fast while everyone seem to spend more and more money. There was no let up and clearly obvious the every growing bubble was bound to burst.

Unbelievable to read this but also very pleasing. As I have stated all along those at the bottom are expected to give blood but those at the top are going to just continue their childish and their irresponsible behaviour while remaining in either denial or they expect the poor to pay when they FECK it up?!

Ed Miliband 'would cost Britain jobs' if Labour closed loophole used to exploit cheap foreign labour -

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