Friday 8 November 2013


Hmm was not expecting this and somewhat worrying.

It seems to suggest that any tabloid going to report something of a shadowy and dishonest nature should have reported what they were going to do to another bunch of amoral and corrupt liars first?

My word you cannot make this up. I still have not heard or read of anything that had been anything other than the spies and their own public.

Or maybe they genuinely believe that terrier cells and radicals that are here at home will communicate by carrier pigeon only from now on?

I already know that they leave their mobiles behind when they meet up, that is how I got hold of the audio of s conversation of two radicals filming the afternoon rush hour period at both Lime Street and a University I think was John Moore's?

I had initially thought this a kind of training run they filmed several times to impress whoever they were meeting in Manchester and Birmingham. I sent this off as quickly as I could just in case it was a legitimate target and a reconnaissance going on. Training for an upcoming event a couple of hundred miles south and still over a year away from even when I recorded the audio from the video. The London Olympics of course. I used two phones, one on speaker phone while the smartphone recorded. My daughter played the suspects phone on speaker and held it up to the microphone on her own phone. VOILA!

I used the same techniques to record my daughter's evil and mental health problem mother, the Police, the corrupt hostel where drug running was going on and meetings with Wirral Council who were being very evasive about the facts  their duties and bit forgetting the safety and welfare if my daughter and two grandchildren.

When I started all this I decided that no matter how complex and who was involved I was NOT going to make a mistake. Also I was going to be absolutely sure I got evidence every step of the way. As much add I could on everyone regarding everything. This way and little by little as I told the story that had gone before as well as those still unfolding that eventually all visitors to this blog would inevitably see it was all the truth.

I was told by a barrister once that my statement of account was exact and that all my statements over a two year period were identical. My ex girlfriend and mother of my daughter never gave two statements the same and answers to questions failed to match any of her own statements!

I also have nothing in the way of a Police Record either, lol. Well outside non payment of fines, lol.

I also got my Single Honours Degree in Applied Computing and turned down a Doctorate working on software to train keyhole surgeons!

As I said several times early on in this blog...I was the perfect person (intelligent, honest), in the perfect place (London and Liverpool while left in limbo deliberately by the government) at the perfect time (London Olympics, Recession) with the perfect set of reasons (health problems, heroic tendencies, daughter in danger) to wake up, prepare myself, plan every detail and set about kicking the arses of all those in The List (look at post of same name) as well as run the radicals in circles, change the target and target area to me and expose my evil ex for conspiring and manipulating the Police and her Council.

I was perfectly correct in my estimation of not trusting a single solitary public office. I was also correct to secretly record every single one of them and was the only way to DEFEAT the web of lying and cheating that existed to thwart me in my endeavors.

The spy chiefs got treated with kid gloves made of cotton wool. Now they summon The Guardian newspaper?!

Hmm maybe I should post up the links again of all my radical recordings into just one post? Just as The Guardian appears before MPs? I can post the links to give them some level of validity and justification?

Guardian to face MPs over NSA leaks

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