Tuesday 8 October 2013


Up until a few days ago I had no idea who John Boehner was. In fact I knew his face but not his name nor his affiliations. But oddly where I used to see him and what I thought of him may well be interesting? As is Ian Hislop's view of the Republican's recent behaviour?

Now I do not pay a great deal of attention to US politics other then their sudden interest in interfering on this side of the pond! But whenever I saw President Obama speaking I would always see two men standing behind him. Probably in congress but one was grey haired and the other looking miserable and pissed off like he had a mouth full of angry wasps?! Lol! I remember thinking a few times that the look on his face seems to suggest he was a Republican and none too pleased with President Obama?!

I recently discovered this was John Boehner he seemingly is holding the Democrats and the American people to ransom! Oh but of course they are not according to them! Also it is all because they do not want to give away free or cheap healthcare?! Nice people!

Ian Hislop recently summed it up quite well in stating that the Republican's also fail to have realised who won the last election and seem to think it is they that run America? Bizarre is China stating that President Obama needs to sort things out?! Oh? How do you do that then? 

Seems to me they are he'll bent on embarrassing President Obama! You just do not do what your doing without a motive your not divulging?! If Obama gives in to re-open government he will look weak and a push over. If he sticks to his guns and the American public and world suffers everyone will remember the bad times when Obama was president and blame him for the troubles?!

I think they see this as a win-win scenario was causing the devastation!

Of course the continuation of this loggerheaded event will have knock on effects for the rest of the world too. It is likely to be realised by others which is why China said that Obama, but really it is the toy throwing from prams Republicans that need to, sort it out.

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