Tuesday 8 October 2013


Its if funny how things go sometimes.

This is the first time in a few weeks I have typed out a post as I am doing now! It is the way I prefer but seem to have trouble getting around to doing. I am on my laptop which I have not spent an evening on for a week or two and each time I have not gotten around to posting on a few of my blogs though the material is there?!

Most of my blogs of late have been done on my iPhone 4S which is linked to my faulty Motorola as I can now do much of my typing without want to smash the faulty Motorola provided to me by Very to smithereens! Cool!

Now there is a local lady I know that used to be a nurse and she is a regular customer in my friends store. Her daughter was on the some drug as me, Gabapentin, and just like me it started off very good and then rapidly went down hill after a couple of months. Even right now I am feeling ill and this is down to the drug, though I have dropped the dosage now from 900mg to just one 300mg pill before I go out! But it STILL makes me ill and light headed. Angry about the fact they gave it to me KNOWING that I cycle is an understatement. The lady I refer to I know not her name but would not state her real name here anyway. After a chat where I told her what I had experienced and what I had collected she asked for this blogs address along with a couple of others. Of course I provided her with it and thought how interesting it would be over time to have someone who was previously a nurse study what I have here?

That was a few months back now.

Several days back I was outside my friends shop talking to another mutual friend I will call Jeremiah. He was asking me my opinion on the purchase of one of two types of snakes and I was giving him my opinion. The nurse I refer to had entered the store without me noticing and on her exiting she suddenly said...

“I was just telling your mate who owns the shop that YOU should definitely write a book!!”

I thanked her for saying it and off she went. But then as I stood there smiling that someone had suggested that I should, for the umpteenth time, I turned to Jeremiah and said “Oh hang on...a book about what?! She asked for at least THREE of my blogs and may have been more? Orchids, exotic animals, British Wildlife and the Corruption one! Well that is four and she did not mention which subject!”


When Jeremiah had finished his cigarette we re-entered the store and I asked Steve what she said and which subject she was referring to and he smiled and said “CORRUPTION!” and I said “Did you not tell her I had already written TWO?!”

It is nice when someone suggests that thought not quite as easy as it seems! Many that have known me previously and including those that urged me to do what I do originally suggested I wrote a book on the subjects I know. Corruption being one. Well I did so and previous to starting them along with during and AFTER writing them every now and then it was suggested that I write them. There were one or two that found out I was writing them and said “Why are you doing that? Who is going to be interested in that?” I always answered that for every one that thinks it was pointless there were ten that suggested that I do it so that they were in the minority!
Quite bizarrely it turned out that Literary Agents seem to agree with the negative people and I have NOT approached a single Literary Agent since I stared my blogs. NOT ONE! Also I might add that the people that were negative towards the books are not any more. In fact they peruse this blog gleaning it for information and to keep a track on what I am doing. There may even be those that keep a check just in case I suddenly decide to approach Literary Agents and something comes off? Or maybe they think I might suddenly get media attention?! Who knows? I myself do not really think about it all that much.

Though lately and every now and then I do ponder the approach of Literary Agents but I do not like what the industry has become and nor do I like the attitudes of Literary Agents as in my experience most of them are not too bright and suffer delusions of grandeur.

To show this as an example the majority of people think I should be published except for those that suffer the dreaded green envy!! What these have not realised is that saying one thing is great but if you keep saying it then the day you are proved wrong you are going to look the fool and only have yourself to blame. Not that I care that much, lol.

No my plan was that with the blogs all manner of people with all kinds of careers on all different levels would come here. Eventually those that I have been unsuccessful in hiring would then approach me. This stops me wasting MY TIME with people that are not going to bother reading that much before the manuscript I took time to spell-check, money to print out and send just has the first few lines read and then ends up on the slush pile as they want the next Harry Potter?!

I also know that the publishing houses, or at least the reputable ones, do not want clones of what has been done but want the next NEW THING. While literary agents only see dollar signs and want the clones hoping to get even a tenth of the cash J.K. Rowling made for her agents!

In the meantime I will just potter about and continue to ponder all that I witness and whether I would decide to approach these agents at some point in time?

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