Friday 4 October 2013


I had noted a post on Facebook recently on a disabled group and think it was DPAC.

In the post someone was declaring that more and more people were blaming disabled people for getting too much help and money?! Yeah right! Try doing that with me and you will be in for a short, sharp, shock and then followed with details on why you have proved yourself amoral!

After all this is NOT a blog on the disabled nor for the disabled but is in fact for everyone. It is because the subject is one of corruption and lies.

I try to explain that you cannot be both good and evil, good when the lights are on and evil when they are out! Metaphorically speaking of course! Or should I state 'when people are in earshot or the cameras are on'?! This is because on TV everyone sounds good and caring to suggest that 90 percent are the same?! The truth is of course very different and it is a pet hate of mine that people portray themselves as something they are not. Poles apart in fact!

So that really brings me to sum up the selfish society we live in, in the only way I know how...

People will happily allow any faction of society to take the blame and pay the price as long as it is not the faction that THEY THEMSELVES belong to! This goes double for the ones that are indeed guilty of their crimes against humanity for no more than want and lust that traverses many fathoms beyond that of just materialistic.

What the grey matter challenged belong to these factions is that they will reveal themselves and their true nature and that is not necessarily a bad thing? For the more that they feel the pressure and the closer they feel the closeness of their walls the more they will speak without thinking.

I do not as those that have read beyond more than a few posts will realise.

Reward after all is only provided to those that are amoral and lie and this is no way to carry on. You also should lead by example too and those in power cannot argue otherwise. It is not the way things are or just done as many people refuse to vote, I have done all my life! 

How many can turn and state that I never deserved any of this because I did not vote for ANY OF THE ABOVE! Because their EVER has been anyone worthy of the positions and this has only got worse. As has the naively of voters and political journalists who have aided in turning into a game of tantrums, name calling and sleaze. After all it was they that loved and coined the word sleaze but is they it was created for knowing idiots would report it! This got to ridiculous levels and it almost seemed a competition to see who could do the most degraded thing while not getting found out for it! Joking of course.

What I want to know is where do these people with such selfish and stupid statements draw the line? At which point do they state it has gone too far?

I say this because PRESENTLY it is wrong and illegal to say anything derogatory towards anyone belong to another race or culture, even IF true, but it is OK now to say what you want towards sick, disabled and unemployed people?!  The word 'fair' does not alter its meaning depending on context used or situations, it is what it is. Maybe it will be OK to wrongly persecuted distant relatives? Or eventually close relatives? AS LONG AS IT IS NOT YOU?!

Of course you can continue on your course but I assure you the destination will be none too pleasing! I could survive despite knowing the destination but could they?! In a word...NO.

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