Tuesday 8 October 2013


Well here we go and let's hope they are right!

However I feel this is just some joint effort, take note ...joined, to talk the economy into a continuous recovery?

I also do not think personally that it will work. If it is some concerted effort well what brain dead twerp thought it a good idea during the US government closure?!

A recovery would mean an end to many headaches and suddenly making some cash on several endeavours where I have made nothing thus far?!

But I have access to details of certain retail stores and I am observant when I am out.

I cannot help but think that the powers that be now see another disastrous Christmas as being potentially catastrophic? I do and added to this there are going to be a couple of items available that a great deal of people will want but now not be able to afford. So many will be cheesed off about that.

So a recipe for a terrible disaster then, but only time will tell and that is around 8 weeks away.

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