Tuesday 8 October 2013


Just sent an email to Eon Energy and I was not happy and yet I refrained from the use of foul language...for now, lol.

But while I was on their PAYING THEM some money and sending them the email I noticed that I seem to have TWO AMOUNTS for what I owe for my bill?!

One is £198, though I had previously paid £20 si is actually £188. The other states £320 as I recall give or take £10?!


Dear Sirs

Oh deary me.

Right now first off you can take your payment agreement and stick it where the sun don't shine!!

I found both laughable and offensive at the same time that a company that both lies and tricks so profusely can go about bullying and using courts and judges to back them up in their behaviour!!

So you can FORGET that payment plan that I DID NOT AGREE TO!!

Also do not kept that DICK phone me again as moments after I came off the phone to him I realised that not only did he LIE but he lied to me last time he was on the phone too!!

Next up I waited to see what you would put in your letters and the payment plan that was suggested to me on the phone. This was because it started to sound a bit odd to me, I was immediately told by a FAMILY that are a customer of yours that your all talking bollocks and not only are you LYING about my energy consumption but showed me their bills for a year.

A houeshold that is a customer of yours that has THREE ADULTS and TWO CHILDREN uses...


I use cooker twice a week, taken showers all summer and my large electric fan failed early summer so been without that-OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD

This family ALSO does not use LED lights as I do. They have many cages that contain Reptiles and Amphibians which they use both lighting and heating for!! Cook everyday and take baths instead of showers!!

Also I never agreed to paying that £44 OVER THE COURSE OF A WHOLE YEAR!!...


Also there is one last thing before I TELL YOU how it now going to be...

I paid you £110 and I TOLD YOU what I was going to do next and that was pay you the same amount again and again over four weeks. You ignored this and left my account with that lying idiot WHO TOLD ME NOT TO PAY YOU THE MONEY and said that I HAD TO DO IT ON THE PAYMENT CARD?!

So instead of sitting on my sofa paying you I have to venture out to a post office and queue up and pay?! For a disabled guy?! When I explained that I had emailed you stating I would pay it off in four weeks he said, just as he did last time, that he had no access to anything as he was “out in the field” and yet he was anle to IMMEDIATELY set up the payment arrangements?!

Funny that!

Also I see I have now had that £55 call out fee added to my bill?!


Now you get £30 a fortnight until such a time that you apologise and REMOVE that £55 charge!

Your choice and if your not happy with it well we can sort it out in court!

A word of warning though, just in case you think you have the courts all tied up working for the money instead of morals...

I have been trying so very hard on my blog to get someone, somewhere to take me to court! This is because I need to find out if the courts and judges are corrupt?!

However it seems that despite the number of factions and public offices along with British Governments I attack on my blog everyone is too scared to actually take me to court to shut me up?!?!

But now you have done this and it matters not which court it is...as long as I can turn up with all my paperwork and evidence and if they then favour your side then I have yet another huge scandal and collection of evidence for my blog!

Martin Haswell BSc

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