Friday 11 October 2013


I had a whole community of gay friends, mostly lesbians, a few years back. They told me that political correctness had gone mad and that I was treated like crap by the various British Organisation who were supposed to help me and that I should get myself beaten up and tell the authorities I am gay and may partner did it. They claimed that this way I would get a quarter of a million pound fully furnished place to live!!

I was still disabled at the time and may have been registered so before I among with many others were deregistered! This was five years ago I was declared no longer disabled and even specialist Doctors did not know it was going on!!

So it started long before the Conservatives came in power. Proving that we eject and pay for a government that do not govern.

The biggest rip-off and scandal in human history. Not only do they get paid to be lackeys but that get to write a book at the end that many idiots but and get the most ridiculous job offer in history!

As far as getting into this country it is ridiculous. I have in my possession a HOME OFFICE UK BORDER AGENCY FILE that is not only complete in its entirety but is downright laughable in many, many sections!

The subject of the file is a radicalised Muslim.

Like everything else the complete file is available through this blog!

But yes keep convincing the mathematically naive and complete idiots that disabled and benefit claimants are to blame..


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