Saturday 12 October 2013


I am sorry, WHAT?!

What an absolute load of tosh and outright bare faced lie!

Do idiots actually but into their crap? Or selfish and amoral people think it's still ok to lie to the people that bothered to go out and vote?

I am disabled. Only I am NOT registered disabled nor do I get any support at all! I did do for three years. Only my trouble started twelve or thirteen years ago and has gradually deteriorated over time and my freedom pass was stopped six years ago and my disability living allowance five years ago.

About the same time many others had their disability money STOPPED. Not cut down and nor even halved but STOPPED ALTOGETHER! I knew this happened to mental health sufferers, kidney failure sufferers needing dialysis and people with fused joints at least. In the past couple of years they have attached many other areas and even one woman I know who is registered BLIND was told she would lose ALL her support?!

Idiots that agreed with the cutbacks and attacks on people with heath problems...well I just hope that no one you loved was killed by anyone with mental health problems now deserted by the system so you can save a few quid?! Also there has been a fair few number declared in the media that have killed themselves over the stress of the benefit cuts and lack of support! They also think the figure is not the real total and that is actually much higher?! This will get worse too! No amount of talking up the economy because it has raised by 0.5% from the lowest levels in living history ate going to make a blind bit of difference either! Anyone that did or does agree with this, will have to live with this knowledge and the fact it will get worse still.

It is not just disabled children but disabled full stop that needs to be reversed! After all anyone who is affected, not just disabled people, by the cuts has knock on effects. We have become a country reluctant to help our own family members and in the last few years many can ill afford to. But they probably will when close ones are starving or freezing to death which then it's more pressure on a great many working people! Even more so if there has been a death to someone close and this affects them for the rest of their lives too!

So as they have removed disability money from just about everyone I know or knew but claim that they pay more than anyone in Europe has to be a lie it the S.S. has returned in Europe in force?!

I will be interested to see if anyone in Europe responds to this comment? I personally would be embarrassed and angry if someone who treated their people like crap claimed other European countries treat their people far worse!!


Disabled child support review urged

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