Saturday 3 August 2013


You know after waking up on my sofa wondering what had happened, as it was now 6am and last I looked it was around 8pm, and with the laptop still on from uploading videos and pictures I continued where I left off.

After an hour of this I left the house then become annoyed with myself and returned for my pills!!

Finally I was walking along to my destination and was deep in thought regarding my blogs and then the refurbished goods that it is now obvious to me has been going on everywhere.

After I bumped into a nurse I know and told her about the lie regarding that ultrasound and the letter and now being accused by the GP of being mental while refusing to listen to the tape I decided to do a post.

Now what was suddenly occuring to me was that the figures for the number of items sold was false and that would mean that sales figures are false?!

If so then this would therefore mean that the stock market I hate so much is being unfairly influenced so that people who prefer to make money sitting on their backsides can shove their wads of cash in hoping for a quick return?!

Yes I hate that mentality and I hate the stock market and always have but wrong is wrong and morals are morals. Is is dishonest behaviour whereby  not only the customers are being conned but so are people that invest?!

It is quite amusing that in all the research a potential investor does before he or she ... invests it now turns out the answers are right under their noses?!

Now if this gets out I wonder what that will do to the share prices and it there is any investigation by either governing bodies or investigative journalists with they be from the Financial Times or some other tabloid?!

Once again I provide nourishment for your thought processes.

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