Friday 2 August 2013


Well I did a liitle spot about my camera taking time to record photos and video to memory and talked about how it had overheated yesterday and shut down?!

Bare in mind that it might have been hot but this is the UK?!

AS well as filming this I was preparing to return my Bionaire fan which had also packed up working! I have also just realised I was meant to film it in its box prior to me leaving the house while doing a litlte explanation?! DAMNI IT!! LOL.

Now B&Q head office phoned me about this and I was sitting in a bird hide at the time in Lea Valley Park with another gentlemen I was chatting to about bird watching. They told me I had better be quick bringing it back as I had bought it on the 13th August and I suddenly wondered what the rush was for. It was guaranteed for two, maybe three years so did not matter. I then wondered that had I gone over the date of one year would they now BOTH refuse to honour the warranty because it packed up PRIOR to the year deadline but I did not take it into the store until AFTER the year deadline?!


SO the girl said 'why have you bought that in?' and I said 'well because it does not work anymore' and I did think at that point this is not going to go well.

I told her that her head office had phoned me and had rang ahead and informed them I was coming in so they were ready to refund me. She failed to bat an eyelid over this and said 'Well WHO did they talk to because I am not aware of you coming in?' I said 'Now how would I know that? No wait she did say the MANAGER! to which she replied 'BUT WHICH ONE' and I looked at her with a look like Peter Griffin from Family Guy when the Evil Monkey and Chris just come back from Monkeykid?!

I said look I am only telling you what they said to me! They rang ME, I did not ring them!

SHe says that she can do the refund and asks for my VISA and I say 'bit I want the cash as I want to go to Maplins and get another fan, as after FOUR WEEKS you still do not have any, right?!' to says no and starts speaking about company policy to which I interject as I just do not want to her spiel and they get so offended when I stop them from doing a ten minute speech about BULLSHIT they believe. I said 'Look, it is money. Money is money! Or are you saying their are TWO types of money and that Digital VISA money is not worth as much as REAL money?! Or maybe it is DIFFERENT money?!'

She goes to repeat the spiel and I say 'DON'T!!! I do not want to hear it, just refund the card! I have bought an item OFF you and I had had to DRAG it back here because it is CRAP and sub-standard like everything else in this country, I wanted to go and pick one up at Maplin in the town but now cannot do that as I have to wait for the money to clear?! Baring in mind I am standing here with a walking stick and you have not once glanced at it at all' in other words saying you do not give a shit.

Then the machine refuses her the refund and she has to call someone to authorise it and I suddenly see someone standing behind and move to one side so that he can be served and I apologise for not seeing him. I then realise I may as well put my uadio recording app on and do exactly that.

When I look at the man what has he bought in to return? Well none other than a ELECTRIC FAN?! We get talking and it turns out this tall Tower Fan saying Force One on it and likely costing over £100 does NOTHING. It lights up and makes a noise but that is about it. Now if I was this man I would be even more annoyed but he just takes it in his stride and keeps thanking the girl every time she pulsates a muscle. I then hearing talking to someone else and I catch him saying....'Well I would not mind but this is the SECOND FAN and the other one did not work'?!?!

I turn and say 'what? This is your second fan out of here that is faulty?!' and yes inside one month it turns out.

I then realise why they have not replaced the electric fans they have sold out of, because with REFURBISHED stock there will only ever be limited quantities unlike brand new stock direct from the manufacturers?! I did indeed as the head office how is it that after THREE WEEKS of no fans at all and you cannot tell me when you will get any in stock?! Not even a ball park figure on the date?!

Another man brings in a tin of Dulux paint or something and says he found it £10 cheaper and I thought how ridiculous that was! He sees this guys Tower Fan and blurts out 'Oh they are CRAP! I was given TWO of them for free and they did bugger all and ended up in the garage!'?!

I tell them about Argos and my two cameras from Argos.

Now listen to the TAPE!!

B & Q Conversation

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