Thursday 11 July 2013


This is EXACTLY what it feels like right now!

In fact I have reached a park and I might find some shade and stop for ten minutes.

My bike has broken down sure the second time on as many days?!

Yesterday my already problematic gears decided to play up and then trying to get then to work the cable came loose?!

Spent two hours fecking about putting it right after my trip was canceled half way to the destination I went to today.

The place in Lea Valley Park where I get content on the way of pictures and videos for my British Wildlife blog.

So after greasing everything up and resetting the gears yesterday, today I decided to do the trip I had failed to do.

There was an unusual squeaking from the bike but was fairly muted and I could not work out the source!

Then after fiddling about for the umpteenth time i noticed the back wheel was loose again like previously when the axle was broken?!

I cycled to a bike shop near the park and asked if they were busy which they were. They suggested leaving it there which I stupidly ended up doing. It is miles from my home and I'm already tired. Only I then had to go on TK Maxx and but a walking stick as I had previously lost one. Then something to way do I cab take my pills but as I walked my metatarsalgia became more painful then it has ever been before?!

Currently I am typing this out while sitting on a bench in Albany park waiting and hoping painkillers kick in soon?!

All this because a bunch of greedy companies think they can get free advertising and my government would rather people crawled away and died our worked doing ANYTHING while in terrible pain.

Well all I can say right now is fuck you House of Commons your bunch of low lifes!

Not looking forward to the last half of this journey...not ONE BIT!

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