Wednesday 10 July 2013


Well I'm not surprised on the least on this but was not expected.

Cannot seem to stop there strategy secrets from escaping right now?!

You know I just do not get it with these companies how can they behave this way and get away with it?

Maybe its because they know there is a brain dead lot in the world who sure only interested on their looks and appears towards others and their street cred?! Maybe they think these prior Erik just continue to their money at them no matter what because they just HAVE TO HAVE IT?!

The trouble is what they fail to realise is that they get away with it because whoever we deal with our but things from are exactly the same?!

This also seems to have got worse too as there is a scam for getting two to three times the retail price for second hand and refurbished goods that are still faulty?! Eh, Shop Direct, Littlewoods, Very, Isme and Argos?!

Politically all the same?!

Another thing is the number of fake goods sold via Amazon and the fucking pathetic repeat adverts that can number in the 200 or more?! I have long since told then about these repeat products she I was under the impression that selling stolen our fake goods or receiving profit from it was illegal?!

If you got nicked for having a stall in a market or boot sale with fake Jeans you would have the book thrown at you and go to prison or get a big fine?!

But doing this when your s big dubiously and cheating on your taxes too is perfectly OK?! It is rife on ebay too and hi one utters so much as a peep?!

In effect there are no rules and there are no used as they have been made a mockery of and justice if only available to those with deep wallets.

So now a period that will be rife with miscarriages of justice is  by their own admission, perfectly OK!

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