Sunday 7 July 2013


Whoa sometimes I do surprise myself, like that last post I just did when I had that recording sitting in my cloud service since the day it took place eight whole days ago now?!
I cannot believe I failed to post that recording of the Doctor lying about the ultrasound test results up on Wordpress?! It is certainly causing the numbers to increase somewhat over on this blog. Makes me chuckle that IF the numbers are being 'manipulated' then whoever or whatever is manipulating it must be having a bloody hard time of late, lol. Err I DID post it up on here did I not?!
I mean getting them telling littlelies is one thing but down right bare faced lying about the result of a test that I was present and awake for and watched myself on the monitor?! Well I am assuming that is how the public will see it where for me any Doctor lying at all to his patient is inexcusable and he has no right to take the title of DOCTOR.
That my friends is Game, Set & MATCH!!
I suspected lying about tests, I expected lying about diagnosis, I have had little lies on tape, I have had plenty of contradictions to the last Doctor on tape now I have them LYING ABOUT A TEST RESULT ON TAPE!!
I was lucky because I was not able to record the test due to having to wear next to nothing and even shoving it into an orifice would not work anyway, lmao. Plus ... well ... ewwwwwww.
So when he reacted to my delivery of the true facts for him he was already well awre of them despite him shuffling papers like he was confused at what I had stated. He then dictated a letter and in all honesty you are not going to dictate whatever it is a patient is saying to you are you now?!
In all honesty I was well within my RIGHT to knock him spark out and beat the living crap out of him. After all if I die now the NHS and the government have failed to realise that my death in any way shape or form will be scrutinised over by a great many people, oops!
If I die as a result of an area of the groin now, oops!
In fact my death under any circumstances now will be seriously looked into for any links whatsoever to do with my health and anything linked to subjects on my blog.
I am sure my daughter would want charges of murder bought against the NHS or anyone else should the father she hardly knew and all because of all the above anyway in the first place would be spitting blood.
There were 500 people plus at my father's funeral, all of whom were in no doubt whatsoever as to the reason behind his untimely and early death.
That would be the BBC! None other and non more so! You may even find film of it if you know where to look. Stephen Haswell and worked with a Pet Shop. He was a really funny and likable guy but if you do find the footage, well the ones of later years that is, forgive him his fashion sense, lmao.
Unless you did not quite catch what I was spelling out for you, 500 people at my funeral all thought and still do that the BBC killed my father?! I believe they killed my Dad and yet I am STILL SHOCKED at the recent revelations coming out over them, hmm just NOT quite as much as I should be!
That was one of the things I had held back on but hinted at for the longest of times, lol.
There may well be some on here, well there were 500 at my fathers funeral, that have been waiting to see when I would post this little bit of information. I would wager there are many that do not use computers, some that do that do not come on here and some that do who DO come on here.
Out of these there would be two camps, the reason for my father's death not in debate, one of which would think that I WOULD reveal this fact and the camp that thought I would not.
It was purely down to my father's death that I started to distrust the media and the BBC in particular. When I posted all my evidence to the news medias it went to every major tabloid and every TV News Network with the exception of the BBC! I kid you not, I sent out dozens of sets all of which contained information regarding my father's death and the footage of which could have been easily gotten.
In case you failed to realise it that is EVERYTHING I have put on here and the Recorded Delivery receipts to all that I sent to are dated around 2 years ago!
So each time I have uttered, no I gave them that information, ooh there is another one of mine, ooooh they lied about that the gits it was me?!
Well yeah I have all the recorded delivery receipts which as the post codes to all those in question.
So how would I catch out if the media was just as guilty as everyone else?! Or should I say the people running them?! Well one idea was to send it to ALL OF THEM?! To put it in simple terms right now, as I am only revealing this for the first time in any detail, if I sent it to one and heard nothing well that would be explainable and prove nothing. But if I sent all the discs to

The Guardian
The Observer
Daily Mail
Daily Express
The Sun
The Independent
Sky News
Channel 4 News
ITV News
Channel 5 News
(these off the top of my head and liekly missing several)

Now if all of this failed to contact me within a specified time then there was something very, VERY WRONG with the News Media. 
Oddly some scams about them come out which kind of took away any chance of this getting any attention but then I was not intending to release too much about it at the time anyway, lol.
Why it went this way and what happened to each set of discs they got I have no idea, but if you had a set of them they would have a great deal of the data in my cloud account much of which I posted on here.
I managed to squeeze it onto FOUR DISCS at the time and each time I followed it up with more information I titled the letters to each and all the above...'THE FOUR DVDs'!
Now let us see how far this Vole Hole goes?!

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