Wednesday 3 July 2013


Well what do you know?

Now the media today are asking the same questions of the French I had previously pondered.

I was confused at first as I heard that the French were furious with the Americans but at the same time refused Edward Snowden entry into their airspace even though he was nowhere to be seen.

So being furious with America and though your toys out of your pram while crying 'Sacre Bleu!' is OK but going to far and even allowing Edward Snowden into you're airspace would be pissing them off the much and you rib for cover putting the person who did you a favour in danger?!

Well that just about sums up everything everywhere and the fact that heroes and honest people get no thanks from anyone or reward!

The lines of decency and morality along with accountability no longer exist. They have been slowly eroded, weakened and washed away by those in power wanting to get up to no good but not wanting to get caught.

So we teach out children st school to be honest and kind to our fello w man and that come is wrong but end up in e real world where the reality if quite the opposite!

In space you do not know what is up, what is down nor what is left and right and the real world had been like that for someone now.

Only then our caused people confusion and stress and write possibly even pills and help from mental experts?!

But now we know because little by little more sms more of the picture is becoming clearer and clearer all the time. We have been conned and mislead for years and we have had bi help because everything had been a trap.

What you think is there to help you is nothing of the kind and yet the money and resources is sucks dry is phenomenal! Best of all they do not even know WHY they are doing it or the gravity of the impact it had on peoples lives.

In the case of the NHS and what they have done with GPs the impact is far greater than the ailments we go to them about in the first place!

Only its slow and takes time. If you are one of the unlucky ones out will gradually eat away at your very core and fry your brain cells beyond all recognition! But now there is light as people can now see that either they or loved one, friend or colleague who had been confused at what was going on or indeed not going on.

That person driving you to distraction actually had a legitimate resin for doing so just as friends, family and even acquaintances of mine came to realise and on occasion was even embarrassed that they got it wrong.

But it was not really their fault nor is it yours not when overpaid individuals who have names and labels that have long been synonymous with did sms help now only set you up for a fall!

Even stepping over into private health care this does not change at all.

Now this means even patients under private health care are being conned our they are instructed to con NHS patients and I rather lean towards the latter.

Despite wandering over to health from bureaucrats who are two faces the patterns are synonymous with each other. Everywhere we look today everything is so messed up and each day something that we thought untouched turns out to be the same!

I am sure it will be as long time too before it is over and many more to come out. I do not think all that I sent to the various media had all come out yet indeed as I type I realise of course they have not, far from it.

I am also not entirely sure I covered all areas on here yet as I have never gone over the previous posts and checked them against any lists! I can guarantee that nowhere near half of my evidence is on here, I just thought it was more than enough.

Also there if the fact they are not in their original form either! Nope all recordings were in wav form which is huge but very detailed and clear. But to accommodate for the stingy limited free amount on cloud services before posting small fortunes each month I had to transcode everything into mp3s.

Added to the shit and right after becoming aware of storing all these seeds is extreme weather breaking out all over the world!

So the news media are covering some things they should but not all and probably and releasing bits and Bobs of what I have them to appease me maybe because there if something I want then to cover among my days and that they SHOULD cover but are refraining, fit whatever reason, from doing so.

I really do not believe for one second that all of the twenty sets of DVDs that I posted off RECORDED DELIVERY all managed to find themselves lost or in the bin?!

Ohh no I do not.

I have had a strong belief for s long time now that if you keep your cool, your head down and you're wits about you then time gradually makes it way over to your side and offers you a great deal of help and removes that help and possible excuses away from this who played for that time!

As the inevitable gradually comes to light and the wider public become more and more aware of the truth then awkward questions get asked.

As time goes on these questions become asked by more and more people. Those people would have been long familiar  it indeed not YET familiar, with this blog and my evidence.

Once these two things converge then the game is over for them and the public will realise that they can make a change from a power long since forgotten and now been proven to be unable to ignore it. 

If no one else can explain this power I can assure you of one and that man's name is Morsi. He used to be President of Egypt.

As a little prelude of what if yet to come I am going to suggest done things that need to change as they are being abused.

Statute of Limitations counts to all our no one! I vote for kicking it into touch.

Accountability is no existent and judges and anyone else in courts should now realise that for their large salaries they need to do their jobs properly and any serious miscarriage of justice whereby people our children suffer unspeakable horrors...

...well I think that judges and barristers should be accountable for these episodes of incompetence and that the very law they claim to represent should be able to come a knocking in later years and lock them up in PRISON!

Hmm now we are on the subject of prison this word needs to replace RESIGN as this later word actually stands as s form of punishment for done levels of society while prison is used for for less serious crimes in comparison.

Scores of people being killed our rather murdered warrants much more than s resignation. Growing a plant for personal use weather recreational or medicinal does not warrant prison or an electronic tag and if you disagree then your an idiot, misinformed and I refer you the the former statement.

Getting people killed or getting people high?! Only a complete TWAT say the latter and as Cannabis does nothing to your brain at all and I got fed up with the number of social workers, not involved me with me personally but their kids smoking it  I had too explain soon that was bullshit and would not have it.

I said well believe it if you must but you will NEVER get a shred of evidence to sorry your argument while I, on the other hand, could get dozens.

This if not even an extreme case of the topsy-turvey country.

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