Thursday 4 July 2013


Oooh dear.

Ooooh dear. Lol. The report published by Le Monde in France is really going top open up a big can of worms and the French public are going to go nuts over this!

I have seen the French public go ballistic over far less serious things and indeed there is not a person I have known that have not admired the French public for not putting up with any crap.

I have always found it odd that a bunch of people who cannot be bothered to go out and rally or protest admit a Marion that does, lol.

I really did not think the French authorities works do this and nor did I think they would be stupid enough to do this.

Does explain why they were not as vocal over the Americans up to it as the Germans were?

Come to think of it I am now wondering how far this will go and just how many governments are indeed doing the same thing?!

There are only two possibilities I can think of, and I am pretty sure there are no other alternatives...

Firstly they are listening in on non naive people who have a leaving towards....

Oh for the love of...Pakistani and Arab Muslims, lol.

The only other reason is that of money our more specifically to get edges on certain companies...hmmm spying on foreign owned companies to help their own?!

Like spying on BMW to help Renault as an example, lol.

Of course the possibilities down to money are endless but come siren to the same thing and this runs true through every country that is discovered to be up to the same thing for the reason of money and money only...

Their way of doing things have been proved to not work while they live lavish lifestyles and highly paid.

They have made such a FECK up of things they do not have a Danny La Rue what to do next?!?!

My own and sole focus has been and will be on the UK. I could not even begin to estimate at the goings on in governments overseas. BUT SAYING THAT this European Union of gay cats growing day on doing bugger all had been going down hill so fast that it makes the element Lead look as light as a feather!!

I think with each week that goes by Nigel Farage is looking to be spot on with his rants, which I rather oddly did not doubt the word of from day one!!

We have got into an age whereby we have ended up with these people who are more or less NANNIES supposed to over see things, act as liaisons to other similar firms over seas and keeps watch to bake sure all play fair? We give then taxes while one by one we get levied with regular bills for each. The things we can do are limited more and more with each passing month?!

They was even going to charge us for taking rubbish away leaving Council Tax as a fee die the privilege if walking on their broken pavements. Well there are hardly any libraries and what there are are shit. The library in Enfield Town looks swish heron the outside but the range of books are woeful. Hundreds of subjects missing. Bizarrely there are hundreds on Islam for some reason and one runs like a while volume that would make the Encyclopaedia Britannica blush?!

The town libraries computers are crap, limiting in their use and use an out if date operating system on very slow hardware! There will be people walking around the library who have more power in their pocket on there mobile phoned than ask the libraries computers combined. If not then two mobiles could do it what with 8 core phones ruining set 2Ghz. I doubt the chips in the library computers go much above 1ghz and no no more than a single core CPU either!

I really have no fecking idea what the council do with all that money?! They no longer serve the public which was the resin for their existence in the first place?! Libraries are non existent or shit, town centres are devoid of shops I find interesting or needed. As for schools I have no children that have ever lived in London and had her childhood and her entire life along with my grandchildren totally destroyed by the council and the government any way. Police kite and do nothing. So do Doctors, GPs and hospitals. In an bit really familiar with where the money goes to our comes from but alot had disappeared.

Oh yes and I forgot while I was typing a few minutes who, planning permission rules have been relaxed. The fourth they get from conveyancing solicitors a monkey could do the weeks quicker than they do it.

I would go as far as saying that they are a redundant organisation and those things they DO do they do badly our extremely slowly but stand their lording it up over the public like they are seated on an imaginary throne?!

Holding their caps out for cash while their mobsters stand by waiting for their command who can break the law to retrieve money they think they are owed but have no right to any longer and duo nothing for. They can smash and destroy any lives in their path in their forever forward momentum no matter how many if the public despise and here them and have either no care about this our royally effing blind to it.

So much have the instilled hatred among members of the public that it has now spread among their own staff. I have only spoken to two and both currently work for my local council and they hate the council and want to leave. Both totally agree now with my long term claims of the utter disregard they treat the public and bit even children and their will being will stand in the way of the over lords of local councils.

Well this is certainly true of London Councils and that of at least several in the home counties.

Personally I would life too get everyone out if the building (sticker for safety me lol) and then make the top brasses and councilors stand and watch while I burned their playhouse to the ground?! One by one, lol. Metaphorically speaking of course, lol.

Maybe the reasons for the snooping is all the above?! But there in lies the danger.

Once all the pieces of the jigsaw are in place for that biggest of pictures to be seen by all then it is over in a rather grandiose type fashion!

That had been my INTENTION all along. I would spend half my time and my attention on this blog and no matter how long it took not what I had to do to get the point across and the evidence to make people realise but I had to do it.

I knew the truth, well for the majority of it there are still things I do but know. I thought that if I can reveal these organisations and public offices for what they are then the utter stunning ROT that persists can then be cut out entirely. When everyone knows the extent if the pure evil that exists within each section and how these shook add up to make an absolute living hell on many victims they are SUPPOSED to be serving and tit realise not only the truth but how they have wasted years and even decades of the money they have grinded, forced and physically beaten (yes I said that) as well as defrauded out of you. To run a load if public offices that when you call in for help you get fobbed off, lied to, mistreated and stabbed in the back as soon as you turn around.

Funny how it is LAW that you have to pay for these criminals?!

So crime really does pay if you do it correctly?! Lol.

Everything that is everything had been made a mockery of and this country has been dragged down to the pits of depravity and stink to high heaven with the rot and slime that runs this country.

It really does make me so uneasy to even live in the same country as these people. To be of the same SPECIES as these people. It makes my skin crawl.

They have been doing it for so long that they think its normal and do not understand people like me who make a lot of noise about it. But look around you, ask people on the street for God sake. It is shit and it is getting worse and this IS YOU'RE WAY IF DOING THINGS AND TOY ARE STILL DOING IT?!

More and more of the truth is getting out every week and even every day. It is NOT ABATING!  That if more and more pieces of the jigsaw and the more people realise they have been lied to, used, manipulated, defrauded, refused treatment, pills (because they don't work our only NHS patients) and LEFT FOR DEAD TO ROT, it is going to get VERY rough and very nasty. For many of the public offices and services in all honesty.

But then maybe they already knew this?!

Maybe this is the THIRD reason they have been spying on the public?!

Maybe and like I have king said in this blog that there WILL be unrest in this country and in the UK I have heard the public joke about unrest for at heat 6 years or more, and that is why they are listening in?! Find out the separate ring leaders they think exist for each area of unrest?!

Dickwads, lol.

Terrorism in the Muslim communities, money and public unrest among their own natives.

The revelations to each and all of these are somewhat for reaching and raise even more accusations to come.

Now explains why they wanted to refuse the use of their air space to a certain individual, lmao.

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