Sunday 7 July 2013


So it is TATA to QATADA!

Well finally! I hope this changes a great many things, is a damn site easier in future and send out a very clear message to a while series of different factions?!

First off if the European Court if Human Rights who need to be told about my blog. They need to seethe things I have been put through as well as my daughter, grandchildren and other members of my family?!

Then I would ask of them...

"What the fuck was you fucking thinking of?!"

Then i would calm down and ask some more serious direct question like...

"Do you do this to intentionally piss off the British government for not paying up for crap?! Or to piss if the British Public because you do not like us?!"

"If you are so intent on these beliefs who did YOU NOT offer to take him?!"

"Was but giving him what he wanted was you scared that you or your countries would become targets?!"

I could probably think up of several others over time? Well look about this blogs archive! I have a great deal to think about and then i can direct you to a dozen other bugs of different subjects entirely I an knowledgable on and I could add a couple more if I so chose to?!

I will also ask what happened to my human rights as I've had several ailments develop as a direct result of inaction by public offices in the UK. To which I have mountains on evidence and I know for a fact I contacted Human Rights and informed them if what my daughter and I have gone through for over 15 years?!

Answer? NO!

The only person who not only acknowledged the amount we had been through along with the inordinate amount of time we had been put through she actually spoke of the disbelief of what my email contained as well as how well I write, express myself and cover every fine detail. She was a solicitor based in the Merseyside sts but with a Scottish accent!

Unfortunately she said she was so sorry as she would live to take it on but her form had stopped offering legal aid.

All that I contacted  every organisation I turned to, every help organisation, ombudsman, public office, public service and the only person to acknowledge me and actually PHONE ME to day all this was a SOLICITOR?!


Of course this sort of really low probability of finding humanity in the void, despite the tv news showing you that it is rife, did make me wonder about other things.

Like does everybody secretly enjoy this corrupt country being like this? Is it because they are deluded and want to be one if the people that can possess more money than they could ever use?

How is it that many with money all seem to be brain-dead?

Then of course there was this blog.

Always knowing that if all else fails I can use the Internet to actually make the wider public in the UK, and the world, the truth of what has been going on?!

But could I? Did anyone really care?!

Are there took many people just obsessed with their own lives and wants to care about seeing the picture as a whole?

Could they see that this protectionism is a false how and will go nowhere?!

Can people finally comprehend that when they talk about money, jobs, land, human rights that it had too encompass all?! Duo they realise that money does not grow on trees and but do jobs and that everything is finite?!

When you are FULLY aware of the limitations of each only then can you speak with any authority. Otherwise you just keep the problem going and not get anywhere. You will make statements of things that are simply not there and rural of things that stew simply not possible.

But regardless of all this I was fully prepared to use a great deal of by time to prove a whole series of things. Along the way it stood to reason that other things would come into play. Done I should have expected but did not.

The mere fact that I started this blog meant that everything else had failed..even the one thing that looks to be reaching a conclusion is sol up in the air quite literally!

This is regarding my daughter and I now an told there is yet ANOTHER court hearing in September?!

This means that either all the facts are coming out or that the time is being used to bury many facts I have cheesy posted about here?!

Now despite this action of buying facts actually turning out to her playing into my hands I would rather my daughter was just awarded what she was owed sure to all the years of suffering she was made to endure done she was 2 years of age!

So I have to go on guessing whether or not the authorities are going to stiff her after everything I promised her would happen. I dread being proved wrong but at least this blog exists as a back up?!

There is one other aspect to the drawn it nature of this legal case and that is that the number of visitors and people aware of me by September is going to be write impressive. Rises of 1500 people a week and rising still are what is currently happening and just last Monday I just missed typing over 2,000 in a weekly period! In a few weeks time this could be rising by 3,000 or more each week?!

So any miscarriages of justice that goes on will have an immediate audience of 50,000 or more come September. If it drags on longer then this number inevitably rises.

Of course my case with my daughter involved people like Abu Qatada and I an furious how this has come about (do a search on Home Office Document on this blog). They have taken the right royal piss out of the UK and many get all the money to start own businesses, cars, phones and God knows what else and I cannot even get a single Doctor to tell the fucking TRUTH to me?!

So the sinking into a cesspit of hell continues unabated. I see no signs anywhere, no holding up of hands by anyone not do I hear anything about changes for the better just more changing to screw people. Well the British public to be precise.

They obviously want to keep things exactly as they are and refuse to let go, budge an inch or admit they their ways of doing things have been proven bribe a shadow of a doubt to be wrong.

In fact they are now in charge and have been handling this thing for a couple years now and they have made no difference whatsoever.

Differences of improvements or worsening situations in times like these are not going by the numbers you hope done think thank is going to hand you on a piece of paper you can then parade to the media who eat it all up and explain out with series of big words they do not fully understand. Huuuuuhhhhh! Lol. Needed that breath, lol. No what matters is if you go out into a high street our small so owners and ask and they can tell you in no uncertain terms.

"It's fecking shit mate!"

They see no differences in you're 2% let shine your fractions of a percent!!

An old, but young, GP stated it in a way to be that could not be bettered...

"I know, they have taken all the money, handled it very badly and given it to all the wrong people!"

This surprised me and I said "well...yes they have!" That conversation was pre-recession starting around 4 or 5 years ago or more!

It was over me telling her that I could not behove that after all these years I had not only no diagnosis to all my painful parts of my body but that I had conveniently had my disability money stopped too!

Now I had discovered within a few weeks that others had just there's and then realised this was the start of an onslaught of Disabled people that would continue for years. Obviously they would start with those no one would notice, care much about and easily get away with. Once each had been kicked off they would nice into the next.

This was PRIOR to David Cameron becoming Prime Minister and yet people now think that electing to vote The Labour Party back in will stop all that when it was THEY that started it!!

So when you realise that it is ready to see and say that these 'parties' are not running jack shit! They are just a gave for is to focus on. Glorified bankers if you like but that are not very good at it.

There must have been some agreement in the past to let someone else run this country?! The reasons and whys I could not even speculate on. But it is only an extension of that period when we were referred to as Americas lapdog when you think about it?!

Only I don't see us as a nation actually getting anything out of this other than One hell of a corrupt nation where it is seen now more and more as the norm and the thing to do unless you get caught. Like spies they are given up, deny all knowledge of what was going on, BULLSHIT, and ask then to resign. For no other reason than being stupid enough for being caught which is not really stupid when you consider its all over greed?!


Nope it would all be down to this blog.

I would put as much effort, time, ingenuity, brilliance and bravado into out that I could and for free because I wanted to change things. For the better.

For my daughter and my grandchildren.

My father and Uncle both died in their fifties so chances are, and with they way the NHS are treating me, I probably only have around ten years of my life left.

So I became hell bent on changing things for the better and though I did this big alone it would take far more people to change things. Because I first had the change YOU and every other person that visited this blog. Bit by bit and little by little if needs be.

Hopefully in time these leeches and scourges that just suck societies and their public dry while stressing them out, making then ill then refusing to even diagnose them and treat them.

There had to be large scale changes and those that are aloof need to be brought back down to earth basically because the refuse to come back down to earth voluntarily.

This is the way it has been for thousands of years and this tinge will be no different. In fact not voluntarily coming back siren from their elevated positions will only be a great deal worse when the wider pubic realises that it is all based on lies, misinformation and disregard of human feelings and emotions. Not even a basic understanding if the human psyche but probably think that does but for in with their plans like their science advisers telling the truth.

For me sacking that advisor was the beginning of the end for the government and it's lies. Really it does not mean a damn thing whatever it is they stand for our what they believe if they all lie it don't mean JACK.

I always find it odd when the cabinet fired against their own parties wants and beliefs?! Why would you do that?

Do you think the people that really rib the country have told then to do this?!

Maybe they are just being totally selfish and worried shit their own arses and jobs?!

Which one do you think it is more likely to be?

I long for the signs of change starting to happen. I long for the reports that day the right words.

I DO BELIEVE that I will read these words before 2013 is out somehow. Lmao.

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