Wednesday 8 January 2014


Tonight I watched a film I had wanted to see for sometime now. I did not know a great deal about it and little did I know what was in store for me.

The film in question is Elysium which is a science fiction drama starring a number of fine actors that have impressed me in other films too. Matt Damon and his previous Jason Bourne films. Jodie Foster and her film Contact, Sharlto Copley who I think was in Drive Angry, William Fichtner and his parts in District 9 and The A Team. Last but not least the lovely Alice Braga from Predators. Now I hope I have all the names right, lol?

The first moments of the film was stunning and then as it set up the world it was going to take place in I thought it quite apt it was right about now I chose to watch it. Weird when that happens, Lol.

Elysium itself is a super huge space station complete with gravity, atmosphere and the ability to cure all ills, among many other cool things. The station is so large that when seen from Earth it takes up several degrees of the sky, the Moon takes up one, or two I cannot remember, 'Fibrofog'!!

However while Elysium may well appear to be the perfect Utopia it is only inhabited by the rich as only they are deserving of paradise, lol. Everyone has their own medical chamber that can cure everything right there in their homes. Earth itself could not be more of a contrast short of it being Mars! Over populated and polluted, though the pollution did not come across quite so much, they are not able to cure all ills in fact quite the opposite.

Now there was a point in the film that really had we gape with eyes wide and then burst out laughing. Matt Damon's character is putting a rack of the top half of these futuristic robots into an oven type chamber. But as he closes the door it gets jammed. The foreman comes over to see what the issue is and tells him to enter the chamber and he does not want to. The foreman tells him if he does not enter he will be fired, despite the fact he is paid feck all. Reluctantly he enters, clears the jam but the door closes with him inside. Everything starts to glow and while screaming Matt falls to the floor. He wakes up in a room after being dragged out by a robot. The owner of the firm (Copley) arrives and demands to know why work has stopped. As it turns out the chamber was flooded with radiation of highly dangerous levels and Matt had just been told he has 5 days to live. He is asked to sign a form where the clumsy robot almost throws some pills at him. The owner looks through the glass in the door at Matt as the foreman explains what had happened. The owner looks disgusted that work has stopped for the mere lower class human receiving a fatal dose of radiation and tells him to get rid of him out of the medical ward as he is unhygienic.

This mirrored so much what I had been trying to say it was spooky. The foreman could be compared to front line staff the only shortcoming being that he did not take the blame for this as I predicted many front line staff will do, one already having done so though technically not front line staff as such.

The owner showed contempt and in another scene Alice Braga plays a nurse who is pleading with a Doctor about her own daughter, who has a serious and famous condition. But the Doctor looks at her and states that her daughter cannot receive help in such a way as if to say 'do not be stupid', and almost as if no cure exists for her condition. But in fact the opposite is true.

In this regard the very backdrop of the story mimics exactly that in which I often state we are heading towards and will find ourselves in before very long. But the rich and powerful in the film have detached themselves from the rest of society and the planet they poisoned and polluted. Now they can live on the space station and be as wasteful as they want and God only knows how much litter was floating around in space and/or landing on the Moon, lol. But that which they take away from the general public now includes staff higher up than even just front line staff in the film!

Not that long ago I posted on here about a young woman who worked for Enfield Council and I told her about my issues with the NHS and DWP. She then told me that she had been experiencing difficulties with the NHS. I was shocked at what she told me and I then said "Look I should not tell you this, what with you being council staff, but..." in which I then told her of my theories and what I had found out and explained that if you corrupt the NHS you then provide excuses via plausible deniability for the Department of Work and Pensions as well as Local Councils to refuse help to hundreds of thousands of people who genuinely needed it. I then continued with how they all come across on TV and in the media like they are all saintly.

If you would like to be shocked then I will tell you that the wide eyed and open mouthed council worker than stated that she thought I was dead right and that it is so annoyingly obvious while way easy to overlook! I told her that I was surprised that someone working for one of these public office would agree with me.

That conversation took place a while back now, a year or more and the details are on here somewhere. Since then I have been hearing of more disgruntled council staff from Enfield Council and even some that have been trying to be forced into redundancy by turning up late regularly and out too long for lunches and so on.  I was told that the council refused to do it because they were in fear of being sued for wrongful dismissal or did not want to pay out large redundancy payments.

Now elsewhere in the United Kingdom I could not tell you how bad it has got or if it is anything like this at all. But I would wager that before very long many stories such as these ones will be popping up all over the place for London Borough Councils. I will not even use a question mark for that one and leave it looking like a statement and deliberately so too.

On here I am not sure if everything had been pieced together by eagle eyed readers yet but there are many revelations on here regarding three London Borough Councils and one in the North West of England. Not just Councils either! Some of these have realised the serious position they have put themselves in, while some are beginning to and some others are about to.

Very soon now, beginning of February 2014, I am going to email the other two councils that are mostly clueless, well they should not be but will be thus providing that they are clueless in all manner of its meanings, lol! When I send these off, so that I remember that they are 1st February just as others (DLA & PIP) are 1st January. What I will tell all together is that they gave an ultimatum...

... they can decide to end things now and contact me to open correspondence to admit their failings and offer me an agreeable deal and tell them this blog's address. Or that during 2014 I will hire a solicitor to take them to court for illegalities and a breach of the human rights act and anything else that I myself can research. Ooh medical negligence is another, lol. I will state that I fully intend for punishments to be severe to prevent anyone else going through what I or anyone else I know to ever go through again. This will include prison sentences only and never being able to hold a public office ever again.

After all I DO have to be sure that things will change and prison sentences are the only way any of us can be sure of this. Also I am not interested in weaklings willing to offer themselves harikari style for their reptile brained (it's pea sized) bosses. Though anyone that weak and feeble minded probably does not deserve valuable oxygen, the pathetic morons, lol.

The alternative to doing nothing and not changing is something akin to that in Elysium! Without the big space station of course and probably a metropolis in a bubble rather like Logan's Run with Michael York and Jenny Agutter?

I will also end this with some very serious food for thought. This is regarding a little place in Norway called Svalbard. I have posted about this previously and probably several times too. I have also posted about climate change and global warming too on very many occasions. I have made no secret of the fact that I think it is all bull, whether intentional or otherwise. I also provided my views on the collecting and storing of all seeds belonging to food plants. Which takes place underground in Svalbard. Why just food plants?

When I first heard about this I thought it would have been done years before but find it odd that it was occurring now that global warming was a buzzword. A deliberate misdirection I thought.

I also made it clear that my fear was not warming but a sudden freezing in temperatures as I thought this sudden upward spiral in temperatures may well be followed by a sudden downward spiral in temperatures. Think about the film The Day After Tomorrow but not quite that fast nor that extreme. I have pondered this idea for awhile now and fires back way before my unknown condition of Fibromyalgia was to start affecting my feet which was 13 years ago. In fact I was at Middlesex University when I first thought up this idea and possibly before hand. This was 1997 to 2000 to show you hire long ago.

Feeling a little like Jor-El here on Krypton, lol.

So you could probably imagine me watching the freezing temperatures, records being broken in 120 or how cold it is and in just a few hours to. Also the amount of snow affecting the entire country and all this in North America?! Child air maps even appeared to be skirting the borders of Mexico?! In fact I reminded a couple of friends over this and literally said "Remember what I said about that seed collecting in Svalbard..." before being cut off with "ooh yeaaah!". Then I was told that it would be like the film 2012, Roland Emmerich you owe me a small fee hehe, and only the rich would be kept alive to which I said yes and then would all due because they are clueless as about the teak world and probably end up cannibals?! Lol!



A very slow extinction level event?!


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