Friday 10 January 2014


I got a phone call today finally from my new Doctor.

This included some very good and shockingly early news. He also gave me a little bad news I was EQUALLY but prepared for and which contradicted both the last GP as well as the woman who helped me quit smoking.

He stated that they have not done my prescription because, bear in mind I have been there 5 weeks, the rule is that I cannot get a prescription sure Nicorette gum because they only prescribe all cessation medication for three months

Now here yet again its where this big come into play to highlight the madness, contradictory talk and clueless nature of public offices and how badly run and over paid it all is!!

I responded with...

"Oh well that IS strange! I have been on Nicorette gum for over a year now and was told by the woman on the NHS program and GP I can be prescribed it as long as I need it."

He simply replies "oh!"

Still refused the prescription though.

Perfect as eagle eyed people will know this to be true because I posted about quitting smoking when I stated. So I do not have to run a marathon to prove that one.

Now I just had to stop because someone I know came up behind me as I was walking and typing. Now oddly this fits perfectly with the next vote of news. He was one that did not believe I had anything wrong and I reminded him of this!

In fact I said look I know everyone was saying it a couple years back but I could not really change them. The NHS were refusing to deal with the problem and looks like they have known for at least a couple of years what it actually was I suffered with.

I told him about Fibromyalgia and then told him about the following...

I had a call about twenty minutes ago grok by new Doctor. After the disappointing news about nicorette he completely blew me away by saying "yes all your blogs tests are back and the blood count and no signs of inflammation so ask OK..." to which I then though of fuck here we go again with the nothing wrong routine. Butte he then said " yeah I will get that referral off..." before I interrupted with "what referral?" and he replied "sure the Fibromyalgia" I asked if he was serious and he said yes. I then stated that this was great news and am very pleased to hear this and thanked him.

He asked if I was OK about not getting the Nicorette and I said yes because I was elated to hear that I would now finally get to speak to someone about my condition who fully understand it!


He apologised for not having phoned me last Friday too which was good, a GP with manners its nice, lol.

Let the good times roll.

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