Wednesday 8 January 2014


I simply, simply, simply had to post about this report.

Here is a man I feel extremely sorry for and totally sympathise and relate to entirely.

As I stated to all front line staff that you will be hung out to dry for crimes you may or may not know you are committing.

Well here is a policeman who was let down by the public service he was employed by, then turned down for Disability Living Allowance who then ONLY REVERSED THEIR DECISION when they realised who he was and he received media coverage.

The way they treat him is the way they treat all human beings, with contempt almost as if we were a different directed entirely?! Oops, I how that is not David Ike knocking on my door?!

I have had some pretty naive people start to tell me who can and cannot work lately and just goes to show how easy it had been to influence the way people think into getting it completely wrong. What happens then if straight forward enough because people hate to admit they were wrong because it makes them look stupid.

Personally if it were me I would want to take it all out on those I believed and trusted and worked my backside off.

That Policeman is the kind of person I wanted to reach via this blog. Unfortunately I was too late to have any chance of reaching him.

It is not nice when you suddenly realise the truth about youre own society that you were probably in denial over. What that policeman did was fall very far and extremely quickly and I related to him because I have endured this on and off for 20 years in total.

I how he is now at peace and sorry to see that anyone had to stretch to those extremes. A sad and prime example of how we do not live in a civilised society. We would never, in the foreseeable future, would want any intelligent life that exists thought the cosmos contact us. How could we be trusted when we treat our own this way?!

The infrastructure exists already to make many processes far easier and at the same time make our voices and opinions heard. A simple set if clever algorithms could be written to filer one type if process down automatically. This proceed would happen on a software level and yet beyond the oldest form if correspondence within its technological bubble everyone goes out of their way to NOT USE IT?!

Those that are smart enough will know I am specifically talking about the Internet and email.

But no they refuse to use one of the original uses of the World Wide Web. I am sure Tim Berners-Lee would have a permanently raised eyebrow by now?

In other words why in the bloody hell are we doing these surveys of a thousand people?

Grow up, get with the program, act like normal human beings and not tossers, was going to say reptiles lol?!

Police deny failing PC shot by Moat

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