Friday 10 January 2014


Yet again I see yet another example if the type of person I was hoping to reach.

Well this is how it appears from the way the report is worded.

A woman and two children were found dead. The children were reported to have been murdered while the mothers death is not suspicious, an odd choice if wording.

What had troubled me for some time would be mothers not being helped or supported correctly by those you have relied upon.

It is simply staggering the two sides if that same face and how contrasting they are. One day preaching about how they are horrified at starving people in a far away land and then but betting an eyelid at what they have got our public services to do to people.

Or more correctly...NOT DO!

I have no idea how many times this has happened thus far. You can bet whatever the number is will likely be manufactured. It will also but stop and likely to increase in frequency too. Unless enough people visit here and see that I am fighting for them and that hopefully there will be a clearer message later in 2014 that things will get better if you just hold out for another year. Just this year.

I certainly hope to be able to claim in here that the dire treatment if human beings is or will soon come to an end.

All it needs is enough people on here and that is growing ever faster by the week.

The idea being is to bring the truth out and therefore utter and condemning shame to all those that brought this evil madness to the doorsteps of innocent people and children.

Mathematics is the ultimate law and you simply cannot ignore the maths. Enough people reading enough posts to see that I am honest, even if brutal at times. Hear enough of the audio and realise the truth.

Once widely enough hi amount if crooked documentaries and choosy journalists and he's media groups can fool anyone anymore.

Indeed this is the disease that has affected our once great nation. There simply is nothing not no one out there that stands out as someone our an organisation you can trust?!

Woman and two children found dead

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