Sunday 12 January 2014


So this report states that Doctors will spend more time with patients?

What a load of cobblers!!

First off I have already posted about how I have been told the inside story on how Doctors and Nurses have this new attitude to not let patients speak?! Would still be bad even if...

Doctors are mostly stupid and not have a clue about medicine outside the most common ailments for human beings...

Because it has taken over a dozen years to find out what was wrong with me and it was I that had to tell them!!

So a dozen years so you will have to do more than increase the time ten fold and use your X-Ray VISION?!?!


Just more appeasing the public while they change feck all and continue to short change those that put them there!

I am sorry but I have stated from the beginning that our system is not only corrupt but outdated and not fit for purpose as are many of the attitudes and politicians. Not many people can be trusted quite obviously.

Times have changed and the system is old, slow, biased, self centred and corrupt.

GPs' new contract 'cuts bureaucracy'

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