Sunday 12 January 2014


Stopping benefits for EU migrants makes it equal for everyone because that way no one gets anything at all, except the evil, amoral tossers that are supposed to help you survive by giving you a little bit more than next to nothing. Now you get next to nothing.

I imagine this is a big smokescreen because it is probably the fact that they want to not pay disabled people that come from the EU because they have kicked off 90% of disabled people even thought they are well aware that only around 10% maybe 15% tops that are abusing it.

Oddly every time I hear of someone abusing the Disability and Carers system it is always a neighbour that is fully fit but has a brand new car and disabled badges despite being as fit as a fiddle and with no one in the house with a disability. Also the other very sad fact is even more troubling...

They are always of an ethnic minority.

It is sadly true that in my experiences and from what I see it is exactly the same.

But there is a much darker side to this that most people probably do not even think about. That is that you can see many people with disabilities that are obvious but are struggling to get around and obviously getting no support whatsoever. In my area you may see a guy with an odd looking walking stick and always wearing a green cap limping around the town centre or along a road? He could tell you a story or two and himself has no freedom pass even. People also do not acknowledge him for the most part.

You see I simply do not understand how ethnic minorities with obviously nothing wrong with them can cheat the system while British born people with OBVIOUS disabilities get nothing at all?! Unless it is intended? The only things I can think of outside of being fucking stupid is that it is intended and the only reason I can think it is intended is so that British people get so fed up and angry for so long with these ethnics that they start getting attacked.

Of course this ends up doing several jobs for the powers that be, they can get out their tar brushes and start coming everyone with it. Those fooled into these mini civil wars do what the government wanted but did not get their hands dirty?!

So just like they have done by using the media to do it is to get their tar brushes out by finding a street load of naive half wits and setting them up.

The simple truth is that people will turn into animals if you treat them as animals and make them scratch around and do other things to survive, it is not rocket science. I often think that the powers that be love having this bottom rung of the ladder to manipulate and use to try and convince the rest of us that we are all the same. There would be  a fair number of people making up the majority of this country fortunate enough to not have been in this very sad bottom rung. So they would be naive and believe anything they were told. Well mostly and previously that is and currently I see more and more evidence that I am not so sure any longer and this is a good thing. It means that maybe the wider public is not only becoming less naive but actually beginning to realise there is a much deeper part of society and even realising what this is?!

Now THAT would be extremely cool!

So I do not know what the truth is but it is certainly looking more and more as if it is not as it first appears. Remarks made by someone on Parliament Square in a BBC News interview certainly made that look very clear. As I said to a friend by that man making that statement on a BBC News TV programme means that many more people would look up the subject of corruption in each of the four areas he mentioned. These are the Police, Journalists, Politicians and Doctors. The funny things is you can break these down into greater sections with politicians covering the Houses of Parliament and Local Council among other things. Doctors also obviously includes GP Surgeries and Hospitals. Lastly and omitting the Police because it is obvious journalists includes both TV and tabloids.

There have been a great many things I covered in this blog and it to hard to think of anything that I have not covered and provided evidence to, but never before have I seen so many mentioned by just one person in only one single sentence!

Do you think he is a visitor here? Lol.

Clegg backs EU benefit changes

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