Friday 10 January 2014


It seems Apple have been in court yet again...

On this occasion they were taken to court by Motorola, prior to being Google owned, for infringing six of its patents.

Now I care not what these patents are and ask this squabbling in court leaves a bad taste in the mouth?

You should all be aware of how I will about these battles by now?

But I found myself wanting to post the link on this one for a couple of reasons...

1) It is Apple being TAKEN to court and sued as opposed to Sole taking Samsung to court.

2) I find it funny that when Apple sues anyone they end up winning and when being sued they end up winning?! Bizarre that.

The above is especially bizarre because they sued Samsung over their Galaxy line being copies of their own phones?! Well all I can say to that is that both Apple and the Judges that found in their favour must have got a head start on that legalisation of Cannabis?!

Quite his anyone with two brain cells with a successful set of synapses between then can find in favour of this is being all reason. I have used both of then I can tell you that they are miles apart in every way except one..,

... surprisingly I did not like either of them and shocked I actually said that! Though I have not used the iPhone 5 it is not going to be any different in its operating system as far as appearance goes. Samsung, on the other hand, is somewhat unrecognisable as an Android phone and far worse off for it.

Based on this I can promise you that if this continues and indeed the rumour turns out to be true they are working on their own Operating System then this week be corporate suicide!

I have stated this before and I will say it again. Four people I have heard if with these new Galaxy S4s. One migrated from an Xperia Z and rather wishes he had not. One migrated over to the Xperia Z from a Galaxy S4. The other two just simply do not like their phones!! Lol.

Considering I openly admitted on her that I once lived Sony and then hatred then for years and that Apple had become the new Sony I will also repeat some other things I have said.

I now own not one but TWO Sony products and given the choice I would dearly like a Sony Xperia Z and I am somewhat surprised at this. If the iPhone 5S had caught up with the rest of the worlds smartphones of the last 5 years and stopped being so fecking greedy and monopoly chasing I would probably like an iPhone 5S. Based purely on its looks. Bit dues not look 800 quid gorgeous and it's all tray looks 50 quid DULL!

It still remains a fashion accessory that is oddity proof for.... well Isis and fashionistas, lol.

Sorry but it's true.

Oddly I have just remembered as well as realised something else?!

When I started hating Sony I started to admire and love Apple as a company! Yes this IS true and fellow students at college and university rubbished Apple and their computers.

So over time Sony and Apple have switched places in my admiration. Though I do not Sony again par se but I have edged a little closer. That would have been several steps closer had my body Walkman A Series still looked like it did with the newer models and has an SD Card slot and not had the volume buggered being recognition!!! Grrr!!

Umm cannot remember but if the sd card slot is also missing from the Xperia Zs then the same applies.

I do not need to even LOOK ON THE INTERNET to tell you that this capping at 32GB for the past two years on devices has been noted. It will not end well for companies that use this very annoying practise. There is absolutely no reason for this other than forcing upgrades and if Android upgrading every five minutes is not bad enough. If Kitkat is as svelte, compact and speedy as they say then I see no reason any longer for all these frequent upgrades.

There is something else to note too regarding all this...

I have had apps updating automatically despite the fact that my older version of Android is not capable of running it smoothly or even running it at all?!

Once again it would be extremely easy for your version of Android to be recognised by Google Play and sticking with the version that works!!

So strange is it not that single core phones are still on sale and yet my dual core phone wire literally crawls asking and stuttering with it fairly often the last few months?! Yet I have used single core phones with a lower frequency than those in mine that rather bizarrely run smoother and quicker?! For those that do not know this is impossible!! Therefore either the apps have been rugged to show the system down or something else does.

A terrible attitude of controlling what you have sold has been rife of late! In my case it is even worse because I was sold a used and refurbished phone that still had a great long list of faults! They still wanted the new price for it with a large amount of interest on top of that and I am still being rigged by software?!

I purchased a nice Office Suite sometime ago called Quick Office. I purchased the Pro version for £10! Buy it all went wrong when I it my new 7 inch tablet to do my work on. I went to the Play sure to download Quick Office only to get a surprise as it was already installed?! Only when I ran it, on a 7 inch screen remember, the interface was utter crap, there is no select all option in highlighting, which is hit and miss at best. Also the saving of documents is a bit odd, by default wants to save to the cloud, except many tablets do not have built in phone you morons.

I was not the only one that thought they ruined it and not the only one that felt cheated no doubt. Quite his you can get ahold of something good and ruin it in just about every single way is quite an achievement, in fact it gets better still. Remember I have a 7 inch tablet and yet when I start typing a word document the letters are tiny on the screen and hard to read!!

I did have a look to see if I could change done things in the settings but could not find anything! I tried to find a way of contacting Google but like everyone else the God Complex prevails!

Hmm I think I will go and have another look at the settings to see if I can change anything?

Appeals court rules Apple didn’t violate Motorola patent

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