Thursday 9 January 2014


Having not heard anything from my daughter concerning her or my grandchildren I emailed Wirral Council social workers department.

I thought I might be able to find out from their attitude whether our not they got their just desserts, so to speak.

Judging from what I received I would say, NO.

Which likely means that a certain someone pulled out of the legal action and possibly not connecting me thinking I will not like the fact that they did not the reasons why... in which case I can probably guess why. Silly as Wirral Council will now think they can do what they like and get away with absolutely anything which will likely out more children in danger.

Oh dear.

Anyway I have sent if my usual angry letter and exploded as they have wooed laws they spent 6 years totally ignoring and lying about, like I had parental responsibility of my daughter signed in their office and still possess and yet they lied that I did and refused to answer correspondences like the one below?!

Total WANKER!!

The easily offended and squeamish might not want to read my next post?! Lol!


Dear Mr Haswell,

Thank you for your below email which has been forwarded to me to respond to your query directly.

I am unable to provide you with any information relating to your daughter or grandchildren. This is because your daughter is an adult and so her express permission would need to be given to Wirral Children and Young People’s Department prior to her personal information being shared with you. Equally, information cannot be shared with you about your grandchildren because you do not hold Parental Responsibility for them nor do you have day to day care of them. Section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 has underpinned this decision.

If you disagree with the stance of the Local Authority in respect of this matter you may wish to approach the Information Commissioner’s Office for further advice. The ICO website can be viewed online at:

Yours sincerely,

Rob Blackburn

CYPD Quality & Complaints Investigating Officer

Customer Resolution and Information Team

Hamilton Building


CH41 4FD

Tel. 01516664340

Fax. 01516665655


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