Sunday 12 November 2017


Well it just keeps on giving, does it not?

When the plans for this Universal Credit crap were first laid out I covered it in detail and have done ever since.

As I recall the claim was by David Cameron was that it would make things much fairer and ore efficient.

Now this is what I said at the time .. the idea was a good one .. provided .. he was telling the truth but that I was concerned that a sudden big plan to change things around was just an excuse to fuck over the jobless, working classes (as they would inevitable require benefits even for short periods) and disabled people.

If I also recall it was supposed to be all in place, completed by April? April around four years back was the original claim and I stated t the time that this would simply not be achievable.

Four years on and it has not been achieved just as I stated way back when.

In fact a Guardian Newspaper report linked below states that it was delivered ten years after it was promised?!

Could you imagine doing a job for someone, whatever it may be, and quoting them two years and it ends up being ten years?! You simply would not get away with it. Anyone in their right id would not pay them. You would take them to court!

Bloody good job they were not responsible for building the Olympic Park! We would still be waiting for the games to start! Not that I watch them Olympic Games .. because .. well, I don't.

Here is another quote ..

The project was bedevilled by a Tory determination to make the poor suffer the brunt of a fiscal adjustment after the 2008 financial crash.

Oops. Except .. the financial crash was not their fault.

So hit is how it is, is it?

If you was a small child and you made a mistake and a potentially dangerous one yu would get chastised in some way. Years ago it might have been a smack. These days they have something taken away. Like their Xboxes and PS4's. Chastising or punishing was seen as absolutely necessary to make them learn that something is wrong or even dangerous. The goal of said punishment was to stop them from ever doing it again. No punishment and they simply would not only do it again but continue to do it.

Where was the punishment in all this?

“Oh we are going to take that away from you and make you do this! Nahhh .. not really .. we jut wanted 95% of the public to make it look like we could do something if you ever do it again. But don't worry .. we wont .. even if you do it again. Golf at the weekend?”

Yeah that is about as far as it went in most people's eyes.

As if the cuts and the removal of council tax benefit was not enough .. they started to look at your bank accounts to check what you were buying and absolutely anything seen as a luxury item was deducted from any future benefits. I can almost guarantee this is what is about to happen to me .. despite me buying almost everything they not only put the 'OK' to but asked me to.

“Oh, come to us we will help you start your own business!”

Yeah .. they pretty much killed that too when they cancelled everything else I had at the thirteenth and NOT the eleventh hour.

I am in the middle of several family crises that are all very big and I have this mess to sort out as well.

That is their idea of helping!

Of course the wankers with way too high opinions of themselves still have not worked out that I was covering this all on this blog as it was going along.

But then maybe they figured that out at the last minute and thought that by pulling the rug from under me, though it was in a very public way, would force me to stop?

No you fecking morons .. you only stopped me from spending time out with a camera taking photographs of wildlife and landscapes as that was the main part of the plan and why I spent soo much money on camera equipment.

All the have done is forced me to spend that time otherwise filming and photographing into thinking of ways to rip them a new one or indeed, ripping them a new one!

Jesus .. please excuse me while I do a face-palm?

Also interesting on that Guardian webpage is a quote from a book called The Blunders of our Governments by Ivor Crewe and Tony King that basically says that if the machine (government) is not capable of grandiose projects they should give up and mend what they have done and walk away. But they just keep on going, don't they? Well I guess it should be expected as they did not get that proverbial beating as punishment for doing things wrong or lying to us all.

The very first comment has the words “The DWP do not care about the truth” included within it in its very first sentence!

The second comment and a reply to the first has something that goes a very long way to explain how I have found it so hard and why I constantly ask what percentage of the British pubic is now amoral ..

Who needs facts and evidence when you have a prejudiced and corrupt media to cover it up for you?

How about a comment from someone that covers something that absolutely no one did in either this Tory government, the last Tory Government or the fecking Blair Government before that? ..

Being allowed to keep only 35p in every £1 earned could be quite some disincentive if it means it takes several hours of work just to cover your travel expenses?

MATHS?! Bloody hell, someone call Theresa May, quick sharp!


So this is the legacy of Mr Iain Duncan-Smith? Well .. really it is David Cameron's but I have heard to many bad things about IDS from people that worked either, with him or for him that I am more than happy to credit him with the thing. Despite jumping ship before the cattle brands were out.

What really bothers me is how this was all implemented in the first instance? I mean .. look at it? I simply cannot believe that they implemented something that was going to take a decade? That is just weird considering the maximum

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