Thursday 14 April 2016


I think I know why none of the crimes committed on me and everyone I know have never been solved and no one sent to prison?

They are all playing on iPad Pro tablets!

At least I think they must be as according to this report that was published by Flipboard the UK Police spent £6 Million on them!

That's just iPads. No other tablets, not everyone likes Apple's mobile devices, I don't. Also you have to add in mobile phones on top of that figure and we all know about Police radios.

Also are they not equipped with cameras on their chests now? Something some seen to have forgotten when unfairly treating members of the public, even if the guy if a dickhead.

Didn't get far enough to find out why the title states that the UK Police spent £13,500 on a single iPad.


Wow, was all I could think and wondered what their annual gadget bill comes to? Don't forget you have to add vehicles to this, outfits and wages, which are extremely high I have heard, though they do very little.

Who would spend $13.5K on an iPad? The UK's Met Police

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