Sunday 3 August 2014


I recently posted up a load of links to recorded audio of a GP along with a Doctor at Guy's Hospital and the letter from Guy's along with a recording of a Doctor at Chase Farm Hospital lying about an ultrasound test. Oh and trust me on the latter when he lies I pull him about it and he admits to the test not being "completely clear" as he puts it and then dictates a new letter to my GP he then does not send!

Well I posted that all up in a single post for a reason. So that I could send off a link to that page to several people, or groups, that have been ignoring me. NHS England there is absolutely no point or benefit to sending that link off to because the NHS are corrupt all the way up.

There never was any point in contacting them but I did it because all you get told to do is go through the correct, err corrupt, channels!

No so what I have done is sent this off to Enfield Council, the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman and PALS, Patient Liaison Service. Oooh I forgot one ...two ... Atos and Personal Independent Payments or PIPS, i.e. the DWP!

Anyway they have now had their fourth, fifth or maybe sixth (I lost count) email about this and this latest one is the most clearly laid out email and some of the incontrovertible stuff in one place.


Dear Sirs                               

Here are a couple of email I sent to the Local Council and to Atos.

Now I have already explained the situation and you cannot win by acting dumb, as I will just use the factyy your incompetent to have swaithes of people FIRED and oinly your bosses that planned all this and the UK government will get away with it, but nor for very long I assure you!

You might want to take note of the link I have provided below within one of the emails?! It is a letter from Guy's Hospital which is proof of an interception at some point to commit libel and label me as a liar. The recorded audio of the appointment is included along with the diagnosis of my Fibromyalgia and him spotting a separate knee condition he then puts to the test and has me scream in pain, resulting in me not hearing what he said and I have still to listen to the tape to see what he said, probably a torn meniscus?

Also of interest is that he prescribes Pregabalin and then there is a pregnant pause while everyone waits to see if I post the recording up on my blog and then when they feel safe to do so they alter the letter. Then along with the help of my GP, and after he then demands i turn off all recordings, I get railroaded as everyone feels safe that they were in the clear!

Yes well that is what they thought but it is not how it turned out!

Foolish, foolish people! I warned you all that I would win in the end and that I would divulge the corruption!

I am not saying who but rest assured I have just had to major media outlets get in contact with me and one is linking up with me and I am waiting to see what the other decides to do?! I should know this coming week and ...

... well I keep giving out this warning but the longer this gets prolonged the worse the outcome will be for those that are corrupt!!

Try to imagine how the British Public will react when they have seen the government pointing their fingers at the jobless and disabled which use up a tiny fraction of cash and then find out that all the public services and all the associated ombudsman, yes I did them too including your so called ICE outfit, have wasted billions upon billions for the last decade and have continued to do so all through the financial crisis?!

I can also prove that Britain has done far worse than they are claiming due to the scandalous behaviour of Argos, PC World, B&Q and Shop Direct (Littlewoods, Very Isme) all allowed to sell second hand and refurbished goods as new?! Meaning that a customers money, or the POUND, is not even worth half of what they think it is?!

You know the one thing I relied on was idiots in public services thinking themselves so big and their plan so complex that no one would ever find out about it.

Oh and I do not really care how many TV News groups and tabloids they have tied up! It wont stop the public finding out the truth!

Now if you can stop the fecking around as it really would beneficial to me for the games to stop. If they do not, they do not but every so often I like to offer up incontrovertible evidence and then wait yet again.

I have now contacted all of you countless times and the response, or indeed lack of one,  only goes to show the public the truth about whether or not they are dealt with fairly or are lied ato and manipulated so that a bunch of people who are not deserving of it in anyway can keep sticking their sticky little fingers into the public purse!


Dear Sirs

You have NOT got back to me about your corrupt attempt to have me fail to turn up at a bunch of idiots who are mostly not Doctors and not very good ones when they are who are only acting out orders to trick people anyway?!

Why ever not?!

So because people like to play dumb, which I will use to have swathes of people FIRED before long anyway, I am going to paste out a letter where I have put just a bit of the lying all in one place! Oh and you just might want to check out my Google Plus profile as I had a shocked daughter inform me that I had received half a million visitors, which rather bizarrely does not add up with other numbers I receive, oh dear!

It would never have mattered anyway.

Oh and I have had a couple of news groups link up with me and will start speaking to another pretty soon and all to do with the blog I am providing you a link to!

Doctors lying about test results for conditions that kill?! Oooh very bad play, old man! Not going to end well for you but then I designed it so it never would end well for you all!


Dear Sirs

Everyone seems to have gone quiet and must be thinking that by ignoring my emails they will avoid both trouble and having to do their jobs?

So I have created a little post on my blog and I have put together the recorded audio about being lied to by the GP and Guy's Hospital, though in the letter form which is on the link.

Added to this is another recording of a Doctor that not only lies but which I pull him on and he admits to doing and then dictates a new letter to a GP that kicked me off their register under false allegations! This was an ultrasound test for an inguinal hernia and he stated there was nothing at all on the ultrasound and was completely clear, but there was a large black lump that causes me pain on the right side where I had a hernia repair and I was shocked to both be first told and then for myself that there was a hernia now in my left side.

These are by no means the only recordings I have ... oooh no, not by a long shot.

These have long since been posted and I simply put these all together in one place. Make it easier ... think of it as joining the dots up for anyone who thinks they can play dumb and still get paid?


Martin Haswell BSc

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