Monday 9 June 2014


There was one other wee little detail I left out ... though not completely!

Now if you listened to the recording of my meeting with the Doctor at Guy's Hospital you would hear several things I already posted about. The Pregabalin not being a problem, the knee test that caused a lot of paiin and the long chats.

You will also have seen the letter that seems to almost entirely contradict what was mentioned? Hopefully you have as the next but might get a little confusing.

At the end of the appointment I hand something to the Doctor. It was an envelope and inside was a prinout of a detailed account of my condition with times dates and everything. Before you think too fast, this would not be counted as a medical record as I could have put anything and no self respecting Doctor will put down what a patient tells him without any records. Well I would not do this.

Now what the Doctor did not know, oh yes he states he will give it to the heads of the Rheumatology Department and I presume thhose involved in Fibromyalgia alomst insinuating he will not read them, is that there were three of these envelopes.

The one he was given simply stated 'The Good' on the front in marker pen ink and was more for me and the blog than tit was for him. Well the name on the envelope that is.

Now I stated before that what with the amount of symptoms I experience along with the amount of time I have experienced than I thought that I would be seen as a guinea pig worthy of study. I know people that wold scoff at me stating that but in his own words he states how I managed to work out a regime that they often teacj sufferes to follow. Ergo I had worked out many things for myself and so begs the question what else do I know?

AFter all it was I that epxlained to daft Doctors what causes Restless Legs Syndrome and in my case Restless Arms Syndrome too.

Here is a picture of the unopened remaining two print outs ...

Simply me coming up with ideas that cater for different directions any given road travelled may take. As you will see below it should be easy to work out that each one deals with things as they have happened. This appointment weny well and so he got the appropriate report. Now I am not so sure currently and have serious doubts after reading their letter. Not that it matters a blind jot, just extremely troubling that it shows that no matter where you go everyone is prepared to sink to depraved deths and violate the vows they made in becoming a Doctor.

Now I would hazard a guess that you might be inquisitve enough to want to know what I put on them and why I titled them thus?

One if the appointment went well, one if there the stench of a dead rat and one for it getting ugly me,realising I am being worked over yet again and a heated disagreement occured. I really do not care who they are or how big or important they think they are, lol.

Also you should see how I try to stop them and make them think ... before they try anything.

The fact that they still attempt their slights of hands means one of two things, one they suffer from those grandeur delusions with one or other of they are bloody scared of something, so maybe they think the figure of compensation is huge, or that the damage that can be caused by their negelct, evasive tactics and/or incomptence would be beyond repair?

Do not expect me to answer that because I simply do not know the answer. Maybe it will come out in it will come out in time I just do not know how long that will take. Mere months or a couple of years but no longer than that. It all rather depends on just how many industries are bing ... EVASIVE?! LOL!



    Key Fibromyalgia Symptoms (There are Many others)
  1. Temperature Changes – CHECK
  2. Armpit Discomfort - CHECK
  3. Top of Shoulder Pain - CHECK
  4. Skin on Breast Bone Tightness - CHECK
  5. Memory Issues or FOG - CHECK
  6. Skin Condition Untreatable - CHECK
  7. Four Quadrants Pain - CHECK
  8. Normal Blood Count - CHECK
  9. No Pain Killers WORK - CHECK
  10. Tooth Cavities - CHECK

Key Points Noted on My Fibromyalgia

  1. Everything started or is only on right side of body
  2. Many pills prescribed over the years have had zero effect
  3. Father complained of pains in many areas to the point that people was sarcastic behind his back, never registered with a GP
  4. Point three above could also be applied to his mother
  5. I am positive that the FMS is behind my ever increasing intelligence via stimulated brainwave activity but not sure of all the factors just yet

Results of Guy's Hospital Appointment

THE BAD (The above is the same across the three versions of this letter)

I have left the hospital finally frustrated yet again that the NHS think they can outwit me. I would have known that I was being lied to and I would have been prepared for it and had recorded the appointment in full.

The NHS, or more accurately the people who told you, know full well I have been doing this. If you do not know then it is because they want a fall guy, quite obviously.

Http:// (all recordings, 70GB plus, free to all)
In all honesty it is amazing to think that your reading this and that the NHS STILL thinks it can outwit me?! They have obviously been lazy and still think themselves undefeatable and not read enough of my blog.

Or maybe they have because in case you do not know I went through official complaints channels knowing that I would be lied to and the reports I received would be lies and everyone would help each other out instead of the member of the public.

So what I did is go through the motions with the General Medical Council and NHS England and collected up all the letters and reports before then contacting the PHSO, who I also did not trust, and giving them all the bumpf as well as for the first time details of my blog and its address, the one I provided above.

I was a bit taken aback when they asked me “How much money do you want?”

My blog proves that I have had my condition a very, VERY long time, over twenty years possibly and that 13 years ago there were too many things and was becoming debilitating so I started to ask the NHS. Ooh buy what a bloody farcical ten years I have had that was like the merrygoround from hell and then some.

The things I had to endure wihile being lied to to my face the whole time is beyong belief! My blog lists all of these and my paperowrk goes back twenty years and the records go back about 3 years.

Oh and I do video to and am getting to popular levels on YouTube!

The point is that I was fully expecting yet another attempt to discredit me and fob me off because my conditions have gone on so long that the consequences will be quite severe. Hmm well let me know how that works out for you because …

I have had way over 115,000 visitors in just 18 months. Also in that time the monthly amount has gone from a few a month to around 12,000 per month and continues to rise. This will rise faster now the warmer months are here as I get a great deal more content as I did last year!

Oh and I should point out the basic mathematics and laws of averages because its amazing how many self proclaimed highly intelligent people because of their profession do not know the simplest principles of laws of averages...

Out of 115,000 people what careers do they all do and of those that will visit over the next 12 months?

I can already tell you I am followed by Doctors as well as a few authors and they are just the ones that I know about!

I also get thanked by a lot of people from all over the world, proibably saved some overseas health services several million, or billion, in paying for consultations with a bunch of liars who have ruined what was our bes institution?!

Out of this gargantuan survey I only had one naïve person in the early stages, being kind with naïve here, complain about the way I speak to people. I simply drew her a picture and asked in a comment why its bad to be stern with liars?

I never got an answer and that was the only one! For all I know she may have revisited and read more and then realised what I was getting at, but still even out of 115,000 it still bugs me that I had that ONE!

Oh and I won two court cases without leaving my house against mail order catalogue giant Shop Direct who took me to court over non payment for a phone that was refurbished and faulty. I bet that one still smarts.

The second court case was agianst Enfield Council and they were sending bailiffs knocking on my door for several hundred pounds and have now called them off and are paying me several hundred pounds, however I am going to have to inform them that even in the minimum they have left a zero of the end as I have been refused a Freedom Pass for 7 years! Oops!!

OH and just in case your just laughing at the idea that I think think I can beat the NHS? Well sorry your only small fry! READ THE BLOG!!

Metropolitan Polce, Merseyside Police, FOUR Local Councils, HMRC, the DWP, Atos (yes that was me as Nick Debois found out in a face to face meet where he screwed up his face realising that Michael Meacher MP had bene using my blog to attack Iain Duncan Smith over Atos as far back as January 2013 and I still have the email request! They really all should go and learn about IT as they have been so bloody easy to beat!). Hmm now where was I? Oh yeah a few dozen Ombudsman to all that I fought, bailiffs (ahem, yeahhh that was me too), Debt Companies, News Media (ooh getting your attention now?) and I will not go on listing them all but for the last two on that list …

GCHQ and MI5!


ALL MEANS ALL, not some, not a bit, not a few but ALL!

All paperwork, recordings and letters along with reports both coming and going!!

I was contacted by a representative of the company Groupon who waxed lyrical about what I hd done alone! In fact her email to me stated

Please reply to this email! I want to speak to the business development manager of the above blog!”

I simply answer 'no manager its just me, love”

She contacted me because she thought I was getting 2,000 visitors a month. I turned down her over over advertising and pointed out that her figures were wrong and that I get around 12,000 visitors a month in total and she said

Please contact us if you change your mind!”

That is going to become a great deal more frequent over the next 6 months and I have no idea how she found out my email address?! I am betting thjat they paid Google for it as she contaced me via Google Mail and my blog is hosted by none other than Google!

Oh yes and recording people that are in positions that are paid for by the taxpayer is fair game, because your answerable to the taxpayer as hey pay you.

Taken to court? Lol, ohhh no, no, no. NONE have even suggested it in 20 months!

Everyone is too scared or does not want to be the first, after all you DO have to start thinking about who is visiting! Journalists perhaps waiting to see who tries to stop me first? Well they are there and I know this because one has spoken to me briefly. A research journalist to boot!

So there you have it, I do not think I could explain how much trouble your in in such a few short pages, really you would have to read the blog but then I inundated the blog with writings and media from day one as I already had over 25GB of data. To date there are around 2,000 posts in all and some pf these on their own read like Tolstoy's War & Peace!

Yes I fully understand it must seem a daunting task to achieve and will likely take many, many months just for one person to go through it in its entirety? But then that was the plan as with the amount of shocking revelations I included that each part alone would have people chattering with each other.

This then brings more people and they can search specifically for things they want my opinion or evidence on. Yes I made that very easy for them to do to.

But then that is the very thing that all those I fought with simply failed to understand and alas went in my favour, I do know what I am doing!




    Key Fibromyalgia Symptoms (There are Many others)
  1. Temperature Changes – CHECK
  2. Armpit Discomfort - CHECK
  3. Top of Shoulder Pain - CHECK
  4. Skin on Breast Bone Tightness - CHECK
  5. Memory Issues or FOG - CHECK
  6. Skin Condition Untreatable - CHECK
  7. Four Quadrants Pain - CHECK
  8. Normal Blood Count - CHECK
  9. No Pain Killers WORK - CHECK
  10. Tooth Cavities - CHECK
  11. Narcolepsy (nodding off) - CHECK

Key Points Noted on My Fibromyalgia

  1. Everything started or is only on right side of body
  2. Many pills prescribed over the years have had zero effect
  3. Father complained of pains in many areas to the point that people was sarcastic behind his back, never registered with a GP
  4. Point three above could also be applied to his mother

Results of Guy's Hospital Appointment

THE UGLY (The above is the same across the three versions of this letter)

If your reading this version of the letter then it is because a great many people are crapping their pants and yet another false accusation about me has been cooked up and I have become stern or we ended up in a heated disagreement.

Previously they tried Menatal Health stick and then they tried Violent conduct, both of which failed. This is due to the fact I had been recording everything the whole time and if they failed to tell you that then they set you up to take the fall. They are well aware of what I have done and that it is freely available on my blog, which is listed below and has over 100,000 people and not even two years old. I get over 12,000 per month and this has risen and will still rise. Now if it raised from a couple a week to 12,000 per month in 18 months, just imagine what the totals will be and the monthly rise in eighteen months time.

My advice is peruse the blog as one Member of Parliament asked to use its points in the House of Commons way back in January 2014 to attack none other than Iain Duncan Smith!

If I have become angry and raised my voice then chances are I had the same issue with Doctor Gubbay, who thought himself highly intelligent until I was beating him senseless in our disagreement to which he then just sounded like a complete moron and when I offered the recorded audio of a Doctor at Chase Farm Hospital admitting on a tape that he falsified results of an ulktrasound test and then dictated a letter to him stating that I did which he then did not send he simply replied …

Why would I want to hear that?!”

Now think for a moment here. Why would a NHS GP want to know that he was being sent falsified test results to his patients from hospitals?!

Believe me when I state that not only do the top bods at the NHS know this but you can see from my blog that I have been through all the complaints procedure to which I knew would all lie and went via the General Medical Council, NHS England and then finally I sent it to the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman where I was tired of playing games and told them about the blog.

You might note from the blog that they asked me “How much money do you want?”

You might note from the blog that I have also won battles through courts with Catalogue giant Shop Direct (Very, Littlewoods) as they are selling refurbished goods as new. I just beat Enfield Council over Council Tax and instead of them sending bailiffs they now have to pay me!

Lastly you will note that despite how big an organisation you might think the NHS is and that one single guy alone could not fight them then I suggest you read more of the blog. They are small fry which you might scoff at the remark but if I then mention that my blog contains issues of me battling with Merseyside Police, Metropolitan Police, GCHQ and MI5.

Along with four local councils the list is a much longer still!

The one thing I used to my advantage was the complete arrogance and way too much confidence of professional people suffereing with Delusions of Grandeur.

Therefore is this letter is being read you will realise that I am half way home, or got home a week earlier, depending, and that there are a tens of thousands of people eagerly awaiting the outcome to this and believe me when I say that I am followed by Doctors and Authors among many others.

No one EVER stops to think that with 100,000 people what are the careers of each of these people?! That is the first time I have EVER pointed out that fact.

By the way if I was basically bullshitted then I can now tell you that I know that the reason I achieved all I did in my blog is down to my Fibromyalgia! You can ponder about that if you do not already know.

Http:// (all recordings, 70GB plus, free to all)


So there you have it. What? You want to know what it said on the pne they received?

Ooh OK then, lol ...



    Key Fibromyalgia Symptoms (There are Many others and go back 20 years)
  1. Temperature Changes – CHECK
  2. Armpit Discomfort - CHECK
  3. Top of Shoulder Pain - CHECK
  4. Skin on Breast Bone Tightness - CHECK
  5. Memory Issues or FOG - CHECK
  6. Skin Condition Untreatable - CHECK
  7. Four Quadrants Pain - CHECK
  8. Normal Blood Count - CHECK
  9. No Pain Killers WORK - CHECK
  10. Tooth Cavities - CHECK
  11. Narcolepsy (nodding off) - CHECK
Key Points Noted on My Fibromyalgia

  1. Everything started or is only on right side of body
  2. Many pills prescribed over the years have had zero effect
  3. Father complained of pains in many areas to the point that people was sarcastic behind his back, never registered with a GP
  4. Point three above could also be applied to his mother, my Grandmother who for as long as I remember always had her feet up on a coffee table atop a cushion
  5. I am positive that the FMS is behind my ever increasing intelligence via stimulated brainwave activity but not sure of all the factors just yet
  6. As regards my right side afflictions this was pointed out by someone else and I was stunnedI had not spotted this myself! If we leave aside the two car accidents where I suffered whiplash for a moment the very first things appeared before I reach 20 and at 15 I was involved in a very bad carr accident. I was on a bike and hit on my left side. I was immediately knocked unconscious on impact travelled up the bonnet, onto the rook and off the side of the roof and woke up later lying face down on tarmac. I know this because there were a dozen people and one I went to school with years earlier. Now un this event my left side would have been greatly compressed while my right side would have been pulled apart at immense forces. So when this right side was pointed out I then remebered that accident for decades before. I was told repatedly by Doctors that it was not at all possible to have such an effect, I do now know them all to be either incompetent or lying.
  7. Had a deliberate spat with NHS, GP Surgey, GMC and was kicked off under false accusations. Wehen I approached the PHSO I decided that games were over and gave them my blog where I advertised all the evidence. They asked 'How much money do you want?'

Results of Guy's Hospital Appointment

THE GOOD (The above is the same across the three versions of this letter)

I have left the hospital finally relieved to be able to speak to someone with an in depth understanding of what I am afflicted with!

I am hoping that I leave with a great deal of information that can help me.

I am hoping that this is the letter I hand them at the end!

Thank you for being honest you are only the third in 15 years and one closed her practice down effective immediately after being there only two years because between us talking we both realised we were both being used.

The was a smear campaign against her after she left because a local Lloyd's Chemist told me that loads of people had been in complaining about her and she was a bad GP! On hearing this I said “Well that IS strange because she was one of the better GP's I had been under and added to that she had only been there two years!

When the NHS tried to state that I was a problem patient and threatened violence, completely false, they were unaware that my previous GP had told me that I was her best patient and the only one on her list that had NOT shouted at her, though I was with her for two years.

The NHS should learn that if your going to lie and conspire then you should do your home work!

I did prove all this and recorded them once I realised I was being lied to about drug types (Pregabalin, Gabapentin & Amitriptyline are all the same family of drugs), drug availabilities (no drugs for excessive sweating, no other drugs for vomitting outsude of Domperidone), lied to about existence of NHS Departments (yours), refused treatments by other NHS Departments (Podiatry), lied to about test results (Chase Farm Hospital Iguinal Hernia and Black painful lump in each side of groin!!)

All my evidence regarding not just my health and the NHS lies but also every single public office and service out there measures over 70GB and rising and can be found at …

No www's just how it is displayed and it may interest you to know I am proving to be quite popular in my eandeavours.

Do not worry, if your reading this version of the three letters you will not be posted up on the blog and yes I did record you! If I am going to haul my arse all the way to the most important appointment of my life only to be lied to yet again I was going to make sure I came away with SOMETHING!!

However I do hope this is the letter you are reading and not one of the other two!

Also if you are not already aware there are no laws governing what I did because anyone paid for by the taxpayer is answerable to the taxpayer. I simply wanted to highlight the issues that together have been used on a personal level to increase wealth of ir their position but combined have driven the UK into the ground over the last 20 years, that IS what my blog does. Well one of the many things it does!

Anyway thank you again for being honest.


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