Monday 12 May 2014


I am currently in the Rheumatology waiting room at Guys Hospital.

Now I got here over an hour early and walked about taking pictures of things to post on this blog later in the week. With thirty minutes to go I decided to go up to Rheumatology early, up because it's on the fourth floor of the Tower Building.

Imagine my shock, confusion and disappointment with myself when the receptionist states that my appointment was thirty minutes prior to me walking in?!

I could not believe it! I was so sure it was 3PM and even my idea of leaving my house at midday was to give myself three hours to get there just in case there were any problems with the journey whether this be down to London Transport our something else.

Luckily I was told I would still be seen and I did explain that I never received an updated letter and not did I have a reference number on the original letter to check the booking online, as I posted about yesterday!

I also left the house without my back up battery and forgot to tell them I did not get a text message reminder too.

I also forgot to reinstall Kindle so that I can shore the Doctors the book I have read on Fibromyalgia by that very good American Doctor. Even now Kindle is downloading in the hope of being ready by the time I get called?

I do not mind if it's a long wait as I will have to hang around here fit a few hours at any rate waiting for the bus passengers to drop down. For as many know I hate traveling in the rush hour as it causes me problems! The bonus here is that both buses on return I will board right at the beginning of their journeys so will get a seat with a little luck.

I am just so pleased I am here in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called!!

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