Sunday 13 April 2014


Oh I had to post this one up with a quick sarcastic comment, or quip, along with a remark that was made to me regarding someone that works for an aid organisation for disabled people.

It states in the below link that football clubs have been criticised for their lack of facilities for disabled people and they need to address this?!

What? Someone is actually calling for action on behalf of disabled people?! There is actually someone still left out there that would do this?!

First off I thought that we were all now suddenly fit enough to go out to work?! Lol!

Secondly a man I spoke to the other day that works for an aid organisation that desks with disabled people stated something to me and a friend that I have mentioned on here several times...

... David Cameron is using the fact that when someone disabled achieved the seemingly impossible he uses these achievements to state we are all fully capable of fill time work and need no help.

Although I would not have used David Cameron's name as this grand plan was concocted and started long before they got in power! He only took it and ran with it!

Unfortunately people have their convenient spectacles on in that if they have obvious amputations then they are disabled and if they still possess them then they are not!

However I state that they are idiots in this respect as your feet, legs and knees can't cause debilitating pain if you do not possess them! Lol.

I often thought many years ago that I would have been far better off, and I am series about this, had I been in an accident and lost my legs?! On some occasions I would have thoughts about throwing myself into the path of something that would either cause me to lose them or kill me once and for all?!?!

I did state I was serious.
'Woeful' disabled facilities criticised

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